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Dragonfolk - Thought to be the descendants of dragons that were transformed into human form and lizardfolk, the dragonfolk seek to emulate their noble metallic ancestors by protecting others. Though some sadly fall prey to the darker impulses of the chromatic dragons.


Physical Description - Dragonfolk tend to be relatively tall yet slender, with large wings and thin reptilian tails. Most tend to have blunted claws and short muzzles. Dragonfolk lack hair, being non-mammalian, and have dark eyes. Their scales lay flat and appear to be thinner than they actually are, and come in as many colors as their dragonic ancestors.


Society - Dragonfolk cities tend to be built fairly far from other races, mostly due to their preference for building into cliffsides. They are ruled by a monarchy with each "kingdom" holding several Dragonfolk cities in various regions. As Dragonfolk are descended from dragons, they carry the same elemental affinity, and as such most cities tend to have a population that runs to a single element more than others. Magic is held in high regard and almost all children are taught to master the art. Though of course, not all are able.


Religion and Alignment - As probably expected, the majority of Dragonfolk worship either Apsu or Dahak and are Good and Evil respectively. It is uncommon to find Dragonfolk that worship other gods, though not impossible.


Lifespan, Height, and Weight:

Life Span: Adulthood: 25. Maximum age: 400+3d20

Height: 6’ male and 5’5” female +2d12

Weight: 100 male and 85 female +2d8x7


Racial Features:

Languages: Common and Draconic.

Bonus Languages: Dwarvish, Ignan, Elvish, Infernal, Gnomish, Halfling, and Ghoulish/Undercommon

Humanoid: Reptilian subtype

Size: Medium

30 feet base speed.

Stats: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha


Racial traits:

Darkvision: 2 points: 60 Darkvision.

Cat’s Luck: Once a day, can roll twice for a Ref save and take the better result. Must decide to do this before the roll. 1 point

Natural Armor (+1 Natural Armor): 2 points

Flight (40' fly speed, Poor): 6 points

Bonus cantrip: Add one level zero spell with an Elemental descriptor to spells known or to prepared slots. Must be a caster class to use this trait, must use a spell from your class list. No standard price for ability, going with 1 point.

Total: 12 points


Alternate traits:

Fight and Spell: 5 points, Bite and 2 claws, 1d4 each, +2 racial bonus to saves against spells with single elemental descriptor. Choose element upon taking this trait, can’t be changed. Replaces Natural Armor, Cantrip, and Cat’s Luck.

Fast Runner: 6 points, +20 feet to Land Speed, +2 to either Intimidate or Diplomacy, immunity to Magic Sleep and Paralysis. Replaces Flight.

Fast Flier: 4 points, +20 to Fly Speed and Good Maneuverability. Replaces Natural Armor and Darkvision.

Toxic: 1 point. Replaces Cantrip. Daily uses up to Con mod, min one, can coat its weapon with toxic saliva as a swift action. Upon successful hit, foe loses 1d2 Dex one the first round and 1 Dex each following round for a total of 6 rounds. Fort save, DC 10+1/2 user’s HD +user’s Con. First successful save ends further damage.



Can take Aerial Harrier and Winged Aloofness traits without needing Adopted.

Can take the feats Dangerous Tail, Grasping Tail, Lashing Tail, Mischievous Tail, and Tail Maneuvers.



Barbarian: +1/2 to Trap Sense.

Bard: +1/2 to Bardic Knowledge.

Cleric: +1/3 to damage dealt or healed when using Channel Energy.

Druid: +1/2 to Knowledge Nature checks pertaining to weather and flying animals.

Fighter: +1 to CMD when resisting a Disarm or Trip attempt.

Monk: +1/3 to AC from Monk’s class ability.

Paladin: +1/2 level to Smite Evil against evil-aligned dragons.

Ranger: +1 HP to animal companion. Any replacement companions gain these points.

Rogue: +1 to the daily amount of casting a cantrip or 1st level spell gained from Minor Magic and Major Magic talents. Can’t select uses for Major Magic more than Minor Magic. Must have the talent(s) before selecting this FBC.