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Pandarians are not common to Etera, they come mainly from a place shrouded in mist. Though still native to Chronus, it was not until the latest fall of the gods, that they were… forced, to expand further outward, when their gods were not longer as godly with their protection of the land. Before this point, the Pandarians were originally a barbaric group of furred beastmen, similar to orcs in their ferocity and prowess. At some point, outside forces brought knowledge and the influence of the gods to them.

Over the course of many generations, this changed the beliefs and priorities of the Pandarians as they tried to overcome their rage with meditation and self-enlightenment. Some still manage to find themselves born with the physique of old, while all maintain a thread of their original ferocity.

One of the many highlights brought to the Pandarian people was their discovery in cooking and brewing of alcoholic beverages. This revelation lead through a great many breakthroughs in their culture, incorporating the enjoyment of life and its consumption in their daily lives.

Over the last two hundred years, they had especially cut themselves off from other cultures, after the number of wars, international discord, disasters, and so on, appearing of late, as the mists coated their island more heavily, protecting them from sight by the will of their deities.

Table: Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive Self-taught Trained
10 years +1d3 years +1d4 years +2d4 years
Table: Aging Categories
Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age
16 years 20 years 24 years 24+2d4 years
Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 4 ft. 10 in. +2d12 in. 150 lbs. +(2d12×7 lbs.)
Female 4 ft. 5 in. +2d12 in. 110 lbs. +(2d12×7 lbs.)

Racial Traits


Ability Score Racial Traits: Pandarians have undergone much schooling and self awareness, but struggle when moving their bodies around. As such they gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom, but suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity.

Type: Pandarians are Monstrous Humanoids with the Pandarian subtype. They count as orc or half-orc to go for the innate rage capabilities of a panda, despite their cultured lifestyle.

Size: Pandarians are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.

Base Speed: Pandarians have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Pandarians can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Languages: Pandarians are closed in their familiarity with other cultures, starting with an understanding of Pandarian. Those with high intelligence may select from Common, Gnome, Orc, and Draconic. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Racial Traits

Alcoholic Chef: Pandarians come with a deep understanding of fine booze and cuisines and gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks to create objects from food ingredients and alchemical reagents.

Cultivated Lifestyle: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, members of this race gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.

Innate Cooking: All Pandarians gain Master Chef as a bonus feat at 1st level. The veil from it does not count against their normal limits on veils shaped, or their veil slots. They use their Constitution modifier as their veilweaving modifier for this veil, and their character level as their veilweaving level.


  • Members of this race add +1 to the caster level of any spells with the earth descriptor they cast. Members of this race also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user’s character level):
  • Constantnondetection;

1/daymagic stone, stone shape, stone tell

Ferocity: Members of this race gain the following extraordinary ability: If the hit points of a member of this race fall below 0 but it is not yet dead, it can continue to fight. If it does, it is staggered, and loses 1 hit point each round. It still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Alcoholic Constitution: Members of this race gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge completely within a body of alcohol. Tainted or watered down alcohol does not activate this ability. Members of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.


Berzerk Physicality: Some Pandarians excel in the more destructive arts, giving up their learning for more power. These Pandarians gain a +2 Bonus to Strength and Constitution with a -2 Penalty to Charisma instead of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity. This racial trait alters the Pandarians ability score modifiers.

Favored Class Bonuses

  • Alchemist: Add +1/4 alchemical bonus to Strength when using a mutagen.
  • Bard: Add +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.
  • Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid's natural armor bonus when using wild shape.
  • Fighter: Add +1/2 to the fighter's CMD when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt.
  • Monk: Add +1 to the monk's base speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the monk has selected it five times (or another increment of five). This bonus stacks with the monk's fast movement class feature and applies under the same conditions as that feature.
  • Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin's lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
  • Chef: Gain 1/6th of an extra bonus granted by meal preparation