The Kaiju of Vrozai

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The Kaiju of Vrozai are a unique set of creatures that have dominated the continent. They behave as any other beasts would, except that many of their kind have grown to beyond colossal proportions, and they seem to target their aggression towards any settlements or cities that attempt to be established on the continent. The presence of the Kaiju has become a part of the culture and way-of-life for the people who call the continent home who have learned to fend off and rebuild after their attacks.


One of the Kaiju of Vrozai, exploring the lands.

Per Vrozai's history, the continent suffered two disasters during a relatively short period of time. In an event known as the "Impact," a crater was formed within the center of the continent. In time, this crater would morph into a volcano. Second, countless Kaiju would emerge, shrouded in mystery, but with unimaginable destructive potential.

The origin of the Kaiju is, at this time, a mystery. Many scholars have speculated that they are alien in nature, having been brought to Vrozai some sort of meteor as part of the Impact. Others say that the Kaiju come from beneath the surface, tracing their origins to societies of the past, having only been awoken by the Impact. Regardless, the it became quickly apparent that the Kaiju would dominate the continent, and though there are still traces of those native to Vrozai, no society on the continent has managed to independently fend off their threat.


Though the Kaiju of Vrozai vary significantly, they share some similarities. Scholars have long struggled to truly study and classify the Kaiju as each entity was so unique. While some resemble larger versions of already existing animals and monsters on the continent, many of them are wholly unique, unlike anything that had been discovered on the material plane or those beyond.

That being said, here is a list of some of the common characteristics of Kaiju:

  • The Kaiju are protective of the volcano at the center of the continent, and become noticeably more aggressive towards those who venture there.
  • The Kaiju are not hostile to the other creatures and animals that call Vrozai home, but will attack mortal settlements.
  • The Kaiju do not reproduce with one another, as each being is incompatible with the other.
  • Each Kaiju is unique. While some may emerge with similarities, based on the research completed, each Kaiju has individual genetic components (though there have been variations capable of cloning themselves).
  • The Kaiju avoid leaving the shores of Vrozai, and though they have left the continent temporarily, they always return or remain in close proximity.

Powers and Abilities

Much like their physical characteristics, the powers and abilities available to the Kaiju has also varied. While the majority of the Kaiju are unintelligent, there have been rare sightings of more intelligent variations capable of communicating. There have also been many Kaiju with access to magic rivaling some of the most powerful wizards of Chronus.

Despite the prominence of more bestial, less intelligent Kaiju, there have been signs that they are capable of coordinating attacks and, in rare instances, seemingly following the directions of either their more powerful or more intelligent kaiju brethren.

Classes of Kaiju


Though there have been exceptions, generally the power or threat posed by a Kaiju is linked to their size. When a kaiju threat is identified, to conserve resources, adventurers are hired who are capable of appropriately handling the threat. The various cities of Vrozai avoid sending too many adventurers at once so that more are available should another threat arise.

The classes of Kaiju have been identified as...

Beta - Large size Kaiju, generally with minor powers and abilities that may make them difficult for a group of city guards to handle on their own. Suitable targets for level 2-5 adventurers.

Lema - Huge size Kaiju, generally with more significant powers that make them a more considerable threat then Beta class kaiju. Suitable targets for level 6-10 adventurers. Mythic levels of power may be necessary to defeat them.

Omega - Gargantuan size Kaiju, that pose a threat even to entire companies of city guards across the cities of Vrozai. Suitable targets for level 11-15 adventurers. Mythic levels of power and considerable experience are necessary to defeat.

Alpha - Colossal size Kaiju, they pose a threat on their own to one of the few cities of Vrozai. Suitable targets for level 16 to 20 adventurers. High levels of mythic power are necessary to defeat these foes. Only the most experienced and potent adventurers are called upon to defeat Alphas.

Domina - Kaiju whose size goes beyond colossal, they pose a threat not just to the cities of Vrozai, but to the entire continent. Suitable targets only for 20+ adventurers. Epic levels of power are necessary to fell such foes, whose abilities have often been compared to demigods. The Kaiju that serves as the foundation for Spirit Home is one of the few examples of a Domina that was successfully slain.