Captain Vautha

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Before her alignment with Meita, Vautha sailed the sea for many years either as a reaver or a tradeswoman, earning herself respect among illicit and legal folk alike. During her time at sea she would earn the staunch loyalty and respect of her crew by holding everyone to the same high standards, and is quick to appreciate talent.

Knowledgeable, determined, and brave, Vautha would find herself in the sights of former sailor Timora Pericol. Once the rebellion succeeded and Meita found itself under its own governance, Timora brought her in to assist in defense of Meita during the Cod Wars where he couldn't while acting as mayor.

She performed above and beyond expectations, ensuring every loss Meita felt, the foreigners felt four times over with no loss of life, but significant damage to property. When an agreement was met between Meita and other settlements, she would remain working alongside Timora to help keep its maritime goals met as admiral of the city-state.