Akishino Iritsune

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Akishino Iritsune

"If I move this needle just slightly, all the pain previously will return magnified tenfold... or I can do the opposite and bring delight. Please consider this when you answer my question!" - Akishino Iritsune

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Character Description

Akishino is known publicly as one of most potent healers in the continent of Siacros using a combination of skill within natural methods, alchemy, and most importantly a peerless skill in the art of Acupuncture. Whilst her clinic is open to near all, her skills are most often used on her fellow warriors of Alexandra Rise, where her other talents are fully exposed, an assassin that is a master in the art of Poison, using lead acupuncture needles coated in some of most dangerous poisons known to Chronos when required

Her origins are a mystery to most, one that she is not willing to answer. The most common theory for the Spiderkin is that she came to the surface from the Darklands in search of her father, or to learn more about the surface world and it’s bounty. Rumours are she was once seen in the service of the Drow or other underdark races shortly before her rise to the surface, and her service to the cause of Alexandra Rise. Her exact reasons why she serves them are also unknown, however when questioned, Alexandra herself has fully supported the Spiderkin, stating she has complete confidence in her.

Unknown to all others however, she also serves the Rogues Gallery in secret, being one of the sources of some of their more strange toxins, and helping keep tabs on Alexandra Rise. It is also where she learned her more stranger martial arts, weaponizing simple acupuncture needles to great effect.

Recently she redoubled her efforts in search of powerful poisons, either from unique plants and reagents, or from some of the most venomous creatures on Chronos and beyond


Akishino appears waist up as a well dressed human in asian attire with flowing brown hair, her human appearance betrayed by chartreuse green eyes, including a secondary set of spider eyes hidden partially by her hair. Below her waist she has the body of a thin wasp coloured spider, with an undermark of red on her abdomen.

She also has developed, either from birth or as a permanent mutation, stronger abilities from her Drider heritage, gaining a venomous bit and the Web ability


Akishino usually acts kind and caring in normal circumstances, though often biting with a dark sense of humour almost from nowhere. As a scholar, healer and assassin she is eager to learn, her conversations often become questioning, with her questions often becoming invasive or personal

When in combat, her demeanor changes to a surgical deadliness of a quiet predator, however under stress a crazed, manic personality fully emerges, screaming and attacking madly, unconcerned about using dangerous tactics or items

How to use Akishino Iritsune

Akishino is a high leveled Investigator (Acupuncturist) // Scholar (Harmacist) Dual Pathed in Trickster and Gifted. Her exact talents and abilities are up to the GM, especially since she often retrains her abilities to use what is most practical to the situation, however she will always be a specialist in Alchemy Sphere.

Unlike other Spiderkin she also has a Bite with this poison Bite—injury; save Fort DC (Half HD + Con Modifier); frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Akishino uses her web abilities to deadly use

She often uses Trap Sphere to combine with her Poisons, and a combination of Scout, Fencing and Scoundrel to better target and weaken enemies, and attempting to steal any items that help protect against her poisons, most notably Amulets and Respirators. She often uses these Monstrous Talents to deadly effect as well. Virulent Sting, Multi-Limbed Combat, Silky Trap and Web Expertise

Often she is accompanied by a menagerie of venomous creatures she milks for her venom, but she has also trained to help defend and serve her.

If she feels she is about to enter a dangerous combat, she likes to down a Bountiful Bottle with a CL20 Mythic Potion of Monstrous Physique IV to take the form of a Euryale. Making full use of the extra attacks and lethal venom. She only does this if she feels she cannot use her Web based abilities and traps.

She should have knowledge of unique poisons only known to her, with often strange effects. GMs are encouraged to use their imagination!

Plot Hooks

Akishino is a master of Poisons and how to cure them, she can be involved in any adventure where Poison is a large theme, and can easily be used as either a friend or an ally to a session, examples include:

  • An important character has been poisoned, with even the strongest magic either not working or out of reach for the character. Only Akisino may know the cure.
  • Akishino recruits adventurers to locate and capture a monster or locate a reagent to use for poison or a cure.
  • Someone has been marked by either Alexandra Rise or The Rogue’s Gallery, seeking protection from Adventurers. They will have to stop Akisnhino before she kills or captures her target