Muninn (Construct)

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Muninn (Construct) CR 18, MR 6

NG Fine Arcane mythic sentient construct

Init +6 Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception +1


AC 53, touch 18, flat-footed 47 (+6 Dex, +35 natural, +2 deflection)

hp 195 (27d10+60 mythic)

Fort +18, Ref +22, Will +19

Defensive Abilities hardness 5; DR 15/epic Immune construct traits; SR 35


Speed 30 ft.

Melee slam +45 (4d8+31)

Special Attacks mythic magic 3/day; simple arcane spellcasting; mythic power (9/day, surge +1d8);


Caster Level 27; MSB +20, MSD 31, Concentration +55

Tradition Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Incompatible Energies, Mental Focus, Verbal Casting; CAM Int

Spell Points 55

Fate Sphere

  • Curse, immediate action to force a target to roll twice and take lowest, 1sp
  • Bless, immediate action to let an ally roll twice and take highest on attacks, saves, ability and skill checks, 1sp
  • Heroism, grants target a temp hero point for 1 round/until used, 1sp

Enhancement Sphere

  • Deep Enhancement, effects that last without con last 10 minutes/level
  • Dual Enhancement, can select two options from multiple choice
  • Mass Enhancement, enhance an additional 13 targets at the same time, 1sp
  • Physical Enhancement, +12 to a choice of physical stat, 1sp
  • Mental Enhancement, +12 to a choice of mental stat, 1sp
  • Staunch Resistance, +9 to a saving throw, 1sp
  • Enhance Focus, +13 enhancement to a skill check, 1sp

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 27th; concentration +?)

Constant - Mental Enhancement (Int+Wis, CL35), Staunch Resistance (all, CL35)

1/day - Wish (DC 47), Mage's Disjunction (DC 47), Time Stop (DC 47), Limited Wish (DC 45), Make Whole (DC 40)


Str 46, Dex 22, Con -, Int 68, Wis 13, Cha 31

Base Atk +27 CMB +? CMD ?

Feats: Basic Magic Training (Fate), Advanced Magic Training, Mythic Advanced Magic Training, Hardened Construct (Mythic), Incarnate Magic (Monster) x2, Extend Spell (Metamagic), Mythic Extend Spell, Extra Magic Talent x8, Circle Casting

Skills: (2+int ranks)*HD

Languages: Common, Celestial, Sign Language, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Gnome, Giant, Infernal, Necril, Sylvan, Goblin, Draconic, Abyssal, Aklo, Orc, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, Auran, Cyclops, Deep Speech, Sphinx, Protean, Treant, Tengu, Morse Code, Binary, Droid


Magic Item (Su; 1 CP): The animated object is some description of magic item. It may activate itself as if it were holding or wearing itself. Magic weapons may apply their enchantments to one of their natural attacks (for example, an animated +1 dragon bane longsword would have a +1 dragon bane slam attack).

Enhanced Ability (Ex): You gain a permanent +2 bonus to one ability score of your choice (Int). You can select this path ability up to six times. Each time you do, it must apply to a different ability score.

Mythic Casting: You gain a +1 mythic bonus to your caster level in two spheres (Fate, Enhancement). This bonus increases by +1 at 3rd tier and each odd tier thereafter.

Mythic Magic Talents: You gain one bonus magic talent at each odd tier, including odd tiers gained after taking this ability.

Extra Mythic Power (Su) x3: You can call upon your mythic power two additional times per day. You can select this ability up to three times.

Tongues (Sp): You can understand and speak any language, as the tongues spell. If this ability is dispelled, you can resume it as a free action.


+5 Implement for the Fate and Enhancement Sphere