Mhaalu, the Paradox Dragon

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"She literally grabbed a Regulator Dragon and an Anarchic Dragon and shoved them together to make an egg. That doesn't work, of course, but mere impossibility has never stopped the Goddess of Paradoxes from doing whatever she wants, ESPECIALLY when she's bored. And this is why we do not give her ideas. EVER. I don't want to have to repair reality again." -Unknown deity


Mhaalu, the Paradox Dragon, is one of the personal minions of Yidhra, the Goddess of Paradoxes. Created from a fusion of two opposing dragons joined into one harmonious whole, Mhaalu is variously described as a living calamity, an avatar of salvation, or the ten-time winner of the Maelstrom's All-You-Can-Eat contest. Like her mistress, Mhaalu can be wildly unpredictable when she's actually doing things, but like dragons in general she's more inclined to lounge around enjoying a pile of treasure.


Mhaalu possesses a fluid and changing form, often looking slightly different and yet strangely similar from day to day. It's also possible that other people merely think she's different and she hasn't changed at all. Very little is outside the realm of possibility when dealing with creatures at her level.

She often takes the form of a humanoid woman with draconic horns and elegant clothing, which she considers largely the ideal form to visit other places in. While a draconic form is great for travel, it's much worse for sitting in taverns and enjoying drinks. However, since she is capable of changing her appearance at-will, she can also take a male form, or even a hybrid of some kind.

In her draconic form, Mhaalu is truly massive, more akin to kaiju than other colossal creatures. She often enjoys tangling with them when she sees them, but since she's occasionally destroyed entire cities when having a gleeful tussle, most people who are aware of her presence desperately try to get any kaiju in the area as far away as possible.


Mhaalu is whimsical and carefree, traveling around as she wishes to explore the planes and occasionally intervene on specific worlds. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to her travels or her activities, and it's entirely possible that there isn't one. She is immensely confident and secure in her abilities, and at any rate will simply be resurrected by her goddess if something manages to slay her. Most of the creatures capable of that - broadly things at least demigods in power - don't bother trying because getting Yidhra's attention rarely works out well for them. The Goddess of Paradoxes can be a uniquely annoying enemy to have, and since Mhaalu rarely does more than local interference with someone's plan, it's usually easier to sigh, pick up the pieces after she leaves, and get back to work.

Mhaalu is a great fan of good food and collects magic items with the instincts so common to dragons. She's especially fond of items with wild magic properties, which her anarchic dragon traits give her the ability to manipulate, and she can often be bribed into minor actions when offered such treasures.

Though easygoing and slow to anger, she's dearly fond of her creator and happily carries out Yidhra's instructions on the relatively rare occasions that she gets them. At home, she usually stays in her draconic form and shrinks down to a much smaller size, allowing Yidhra to treat her more like a pet than as the walking disaster this dragon really is.

Other Relationships

Mhaalu gets along relatively well with most celestials, who find her chill personality rather straightforward and easy to work with. Mhaalu, for her part, appreciates the interest they often show in her stories. (Stories which they ask her to tell mostly so they know which worlds to go help after her passing.)

She does not get along particularly well with most fiendish entities, regardless of alignment. Demons have tried to murder her too many times (and been splattered for their troubles), daemons keep trying to test new ways of killing things on her, and devils generally hate the paradoxes she helps represent.

Mhaalu gets along particularly well with Proteans, who appreciate her chaotic nature and don't mind the lawful parts too much.

In addition, outside of her draconic abilities, Mhaalu has broad authority over many aberrations and creatures of the Dark Tapestry. Those connected to the Outer Gods (of whom Yidhra is a part) instinctively understand her position as the personal servant and emissary of one of their leaders, and they show near-instinctive deference as a result.


Mhaalu lives in Yidhra's home realm in the Dimension of Dreams, which she can accurately plane shift to and from at-will. She also possesses a private demiplane where she keeps her treasure, on account of not being stupid enough to leave a bunch of wild magic treasures around Yidhra. Occasionally, she throws baubles from her treasure hoard to distract Yidhra from something particularly ridiculous, and on at least three occasions has saved worlds on the material plane from insanity by doing so.

Powers And Abilities

Mhaalu is a Mythic Rank 10 hybrid of a Regulator dragon and an Anarchic dragon. While technically a Great Wyrm, her immortality as a mythic creature means she generally doesn't appear as old or as experienced as she actually is. Among her many other powers, Mhaalu possesses the Mythic Paragon ability, and counts as a Tier 12 creature for the purposes of her own effects. She also possesses the full set of Deific Dragon talents, making her a uniquely formidable opponent... on the rare occasions she actually does anything.

As a gestalted creature, Mhaalu has two sets of sorcerer casting, each with different spells and thoroughly augmented by her powerful abilities. As a favored servant of Yidhra, Mhaalu possesses broad immunity to the powers and abilities of the servants of the Outer Gods, which includes many aberrations and the Great Old Ones.

Unlike her mistress, Mhaalu is not a Mythic Patron in her own right, and she does not grant spells to other creatures. However, she is a demigoddess, and a rather powerful one at that.