The Earthen Egg

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Earthen Egg.jpg

Deep below Alzhak Reger's city of Zulkaldun, in Abadius of 52 IA, after discovering an eerie passageway sealed in with the natural stone around it, scouts were sent to see where it lead. After several miles, it was decided to send a message page for magical support, as they waited for a geomancer expert to log the passage-ways layout. Disturbingly, it was shown to go in various directions over time, but most importantly... it gets steadily Wider. Eventually, they had Warp specialists send a team down, where they found a massive open cavern. And within was just.... an orb, half-embedded into the floor. A perfect sphere, the orb appeared to be made of some unknown form of rock.

Why was this made? When? How? None of these questions are clear... magical response has been... inconclusive. Nothing in the area has come up as magical upon detection... but neither has it come up as non-magical. The magic simply didn't return with any kind of response. Initial research continues to come up empty.

Plans are underway for the scholars of Alzhak Reger to include the mages of Mirrandrar in their study of this orb in the upcoming months or years, in order to try and determine its purpose, if any. In the meantime, after determining that it did not seem to be immediately volatile, a mining team was brought to unearth the sphere further out of the floor, until it fully surfaced, before trying to move it. At least initially, it does not appear normal, as all attempts to teleport it fail, so it had to be brought by hand by the assistance of the hardy men of Fort Ragathiel, to keep under supervision, closer to the surface.

As for the cavern it was previously found in, it has since been repurposed for experiments deemed... necessary... to be done far away from notice. A few miles underground working quit well, especially given the natural durability of the location, and lack of notable resources worthy of protecting from accidental destruction. Perhaps at some point, we will discover what made that needlessly elaborate path to this wide chamber, as well as why the passage wasn't open to the air until now, despite the air not being stale. All in all, very strange, but forgotten in lieu of the orb's existence.


  • Elemental damage either has no effect, or requires damage beyond reasonable testing, given desire to not destroy random mystery objects.
  • Hardness and general durability has not yet been determined, only guaranteed to beyond any of our currently known mundane materials, technological or not. Even the enhanced ones.
  • Approximately a year into research, there was a brief Pulse, before the orb returned to being inert. It is unclear as to what could have triggered it, as no experiments were ongoing at the time, but it is concerning nonetheless as to what its purpose was in doing such an action, let alone how it performed it in the first place. It was too brief a time to determine what form of energy took place, as it was not recognized by any of those currently on rotation to watch it.
  • Various weightings and taps of varying degrees has determined the object is probably not hollow.


  • Physically appears much like the image above
  • is neutral, in regards to temperature, the surface matching the temperature of the environment around it.
  • Approximately 3000 tons.
  • Colossal in size category.
  • Smells of sulfur and brimstone, despite not appearing to be made of either, and neither being found in its location.