City Goblins

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Some goblins profit and benefit from meeting humans and other civilized races. In fact, it is these civilized goblins that truly showcase the true potency of their abilities; often rivalling and even overcoming gnomes and halflings in their fields of magic and roguery. However, they are still prone to the usual bigotries expected against goblins; even as they prove their worth amongst other races.

Physical Description

Compared to their more feral brethren seen in the wild or used as labor for lazy overlords, City Goblins tend to resemble greenish Halflings, or very short Orcs, but can sometimes have other skin tones. However, the primary differentiation between halflings and city goblins are their ears; with their ears almost as large as their forearms. Compared to “feral” goblins, city goblins can range anywhere from being emaciated from starvation and homelessness to being as well fed as any noble. Perhaps as a result of easier chances for consistent food, goblins begin to develop hair, though they still maintain beady, red eyes of their more wild counterparts. Similar to the evolution of humans and other civilized races, what were once mouths filled with sharp, jagged teeth have normalized into a more commonly omnivorous mouth, with a blend of sharp and flat teeth. Compared to other humanoid races, city goblins have more pronounced canines; still hinting at their cannibalistic cousins and ancestors. Goblin women are occasionally seen as even more attractive; individuals with a passion for smaller races sometimes show a stronger affection for goblin women, due to the combined aspects of their short, exaggerated stature and their exotic skin and teeth.

Society: City goblins tend to take root in already existing cities; human or otherwise. It would be foolish to claim that they lack the ingenuity to create their own societies, as they don’t lack the intelligence or especially the charisma; many of these goblins begin to eke out merchant empires. While many city goblins choose to take on lives of crime and mercenary work, while others maintain good behavior to ensure their continued existence in these cities, no city goblin is fully willing to enter a life of raw desperation. Additionally, these goblins are uniquely attached to their urban life style, with phrases relating to a more feral life being used as slurs in city goblin communities. Some even whisper that to call a city goblin a cannibal is akin to signing one’s own death warrant.

Particularly successful goblins find themselves at the highest rungs of society, as merchant kings and bankers, but are often early adopters of any venture that has a potential for profit. As such, many city goblins are quick to become alchemists, engineers, and any variety of magical user, if it means they can make a large sum of gold for it.


City goblins are legendarily cosmopolitan, absorbing culture as they grew more and more integrated. However, they are fully aware of the reputation their race holds; both their current brethren and their ancestors and cousins they constantly attempt to distance themselves from. Despite their unwillingness to abandon their new urban lifestyle, these goblins don’t seem to see crime as a major loss to their reputation. Among other races, city goblins tend to respect halflings and gnomes, the former for their enterprising and the latter for their magical prowess. Humans are simultaneously feared and respected, due to their role in creating the societies in which they live, as well as their role in the continued disdain toward goblins. Similar to their feral brethren, they receive sympathy from half-orcs, but unlike standard goblins, this sympathy is reciprocated. In fact, many partnerships consist of city goblins and their half-orc bodyguards.

Alignment and Religion

City goblins tend to fit in with their neighbors, but they tend to share a view with Halflings; understanding they may need to scavenge to survive. Though city goblins will be lawful as necessary, many city goblins care more about their own communities than the city as a whole; often taking steps to ensure their own and their community’s survival. Some city goblins care more about profit than others, a perfect fit for growing industrialization.


Though hesitant to abandon their homes, city goblins still have a natural curiosity and desire to see the world; and many will do so under the pretense of becoming a travelling merchant. Unfortunately, the viciousness of their feral counterparts mean they are still likely to be murdered by adventurers unaware of their true intentions.

Names: Depends on the culture surrounding them.

Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
15 years +1d4 years


+1d6 years


+2d6 years


Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 2 ft, 8 in +2d4 in 30 pounds +2d4 pounds
Female 2 ft, 6 in +2d4 in 25 pounds +2d4 pounds

Racial Traits (13 RP)

Racial Traits Race Point Cost
Type Humanoid (Goblin) 0
Size Small 0
Base Speed Normal 0
Ability Score Modifiers Standard + Advanced Dexterity (+4 Dex, -2 con, +2 Cha) 4
Languages Linguist 1
Skills Greed 1
Skills Integrated 1
Skills Silver-Tongue 3
Movement Fast 1
Senses Darkvision 60 ft 2
Total 13

Ability Score Modifiers: Goblins, even civilized, are especially nimble for smallfolk, but are weak. City goblins aren’t just mildly more pleasant, they tend to create their own unique charm rivalling that of Halflings and catfolk. They gain +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.

Type: City Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.

Size: Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Base Speed: Due to high chances of violence against their race, City Goblins are even faster than their feral counterparts, and as such have a base speed of 40 feet.

Languages: City Goblins start with Common plus Goblin. Additionally, members of this race with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except druidic and other secret languages).

Feat and Skill Traits

Greed: Even the most trustworthy and innocent city goblin can’t avoid the allure of gold and other precious metals and stones. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Integrated: City Goblins know how to avoid trouble when crime is about. Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.

Silver Tongued: Fast and convincing talking means survival for a city goblin. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two.

Darkvision: The ancestral trait of darkvision remains, and only helps city life for the more roguish goblinoid. They see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.