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The Pugilites

The pugilites are a race of pug casters, saved from the fey world of the Lantern King. They may have been another race, but have been pugs for so long they are permanently in that form.

Poppy the cleric.jpg


They don't know how long they were in the first world demiplane, but they became very competent in fey and wild magic, using it to power their casting ability, nullifying the wild magic penalties. After being brought to Chronus, they have aided adventurers in all aspects they can, from minor healing, to fighting bandits, their help has been invaluable.

Physical Description:

Pugilites are tiny or small creatures with poor vision and a great sense of smell. What they lack in stature, they make up for in their innate casting abilities. There fur comes in any pattern combination and styles, from spotted short haired, to tiger striped and a mohawk. Because of there lack of a thumb, they lack the ability to use items dexterously so can hold staves and wands, but not weapons nor attack, and they have a natural bite attack with great strength, counting as a creature 1 size larger.

Pugilite Starting Ages:

Intuitive Self-taught Trained
12 +1d4 +2d4
18 +1d8 +2d8

Random Height and Weight:

Base Height Height mod Base weight Weight mod
2 ft 6 in +2d12 in 30 lbs +2d6 lbs


Pugilites are pacifists and avoid conflict. They may argue and yell, but quickly stop when an dominant calls them out. They like nature and sleeping outside, but will dig pits and mounds as makeshift huts and nests, though some will easily get accustomed to life indoors. Due to their social nature, they do prefer to hange out in groups of 2 or more.


Pugilites are very cautious and because of this they get along with more peaceful races such as gnomes, halfling, and some humans. They can get along with other species but don't like to spend more time with them than necessary.

Alignment and Religion:

They have a "best boy" mentality and are always good aligned and are very religious and are more likely to become clerics, shamans, druids or witches. They may be paladins and wardens who are sworn to protect their adopted race (usually human).

Racial Traits:

Name Effect Cost
Type: Native Outsider Scent (Ex) Universal Monster Ability +2
Size Small (Tiny) 0(+1)
Base speed 20 -1
Ability Scores Pugilites are not known for their physical prowess.

-4 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Cha

Language Pugilites start knowing common.

With a high Int score may also learn gnomish, elven, or 1 other language of their choice related to their background (except secret languages such as Druidic)

Subrace Ability Score change Brutish terriers gain a +2 Str, -2 Int, +2 Wis

Pugihauhuas get +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha



There exists some subraces related to Pugilites. Only 2 has been discovered, but more may exist:

Brutish Terrier: the more aggressive cousin, known to be more effective in melee combat.

  • They gain +1 racial bonus to Intimidation checks
  • They lose the scent ability and gain a +1 CMB to grapple checks from their powerful jaws

Pugihuahua: a more cautious cousin to the pugilite,

  • They gain a +1 racial bonus to sense motive checks
  • They lose the Outsider subtype and gain a base land speed of 30 feet

Alternate Racial Traits:

Keen Scent: they sacrifice their use for communication to enhance their scent ability.

They may only learn common as a language, and gain the Keen Scent Universal Monster Ability.

Bull-gilite: they lose their Type and Scent ability to be medium sized creatures

Favored Class Options:

  • Gain +1 hit point.
  • Gain +1 skill point.
  • Gain +1 foot to base movement. In combat, this only has an effect for every five increases to the movement’s speed.
  • Gain +1/6 of a bonus combat talent, auxiliary origin talent, or skill talent.
  • Gain +1/5 of a bonus utility talent from any sphere.
  • Gain +1/8 of a combat feat.
  • Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to a subordinate.
  • +1/6 bonus to the DCs associated with one magic, combat, origin, or skill sphere of your choice. You cannot improve the DC of a single sphere by more than 1 with this favored class bonus.
  • Choose one class ability that can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + one of your ability score modifiers (such as a domain ability). You may use that ability an additional +1/2 times per day.
  • +1/6 bonus to the DCs associated with your class features of this class (such as channel energy or invocations but excluding sphere abilities, spellcasting, and other similar abilities). You cannot improve the DCs of a single class by more than 1 with this favored class bonus.
  • Add +1 to the character’s CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character’s choice.
  • Increase the total number of negative hit points you can reach before dying by 2.