Psyblooded Dragonfolk

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Psyblooded Dragonfolk 


Descended from a particularly powerful and prolific Psionic Imperial dragon, Quing Lung. Psyblooded Dragonfolk, or Psydrafolk, are not a particularly numerous race, with barely enough members to sustain itself as a true-breeding species, and that only recently. They are still finding their way in the world.

Physical Description

Psyblooded Dragonfolk are medium sized bipedal humanoids. They have long jaws, visible claws, and sinuous tails. Their bodies are covered in durable scales, with a large variety of colors among the various members of the species. They often possess hair or manes in a variety of colors and lengths, and some posses long barbels (sometimes called 'dragon whiskers'), although none of these features seem to be tied to any specific gender. Horns also come in various shapes, numbers and sizes, some branching like antlers, some not.


As an extremely new race, they have little society of their own at the moment. A majority of them have been raised within dragon-worshiping cultures as a kind of nobility, and take their cultural ques from them. Others have been sold into slavery, prized for their exotic nature. One of the few distinctly unique cultural aspects they have developed is a preoccupation with the survival of their species; With so few members, genealogy is carefully tracked and arranged marriages have become the norm, the better to avoid weakening the gene pool. This recent cultural shift has caused a great deal of resentment and strife among the younger generations.

Alignment and Religion

Psyblooded Dragonfolk can be found following any creed, though the majority tend to favor Lawful and Neutral alignments. Apsu is a popular deity among them, along with other Draconic gods of both good and evil. A small cult worshiping their progenitor Quing Lung exists, but has too few members to be very influential, with no known clerics of the faith as of yet.


With the previous generation's controlling and paranoid attitudes, many young Psydrafolk are beginning to rebel. Adventuring has been one of the primary outlets for this rebellion. Even among the more sedentary folk, the natural psionic abilities of the race lends itself well to the Psion class.

Racial traits (RP cost: 15~)

Ability Score Adjustments:  +2 str, +2 int. Psyblooded Dragonfolk are clever and strong, with no particular weaknesses. (Flexible, 2rp)

Humanoid (Drakeblood)  (0rp)

Medium: As a medium creature, receive no benefits or penalties due to size. (0rp)

Speed 30ft (0rp)

Mind over Gravity (Su): Although they have no wings, while psionically focused, Psyblooded Dragonfolk gain a Fly speed of 30 with clumsy maneuverability. If you have a fly speed from another source, instead increase that speed by +10 and maneuverability by one step. (Fly, 4rp)

Multitalented: Choose a second Favored Class at level one and gain the usual benefits whenever a level in either class is taken (2rp)

Naturally Psionic: Gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at first level. If a level in a psionic class is taken, instead gain the Psionic Talent feat (2rp)

Psionic Aptitude: When a Psyblooded Dragonfolk takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point. (Unknown RP points)

Scales (Ex): A Psyblooded Dragonfolk’s skin is hardened with scales that increases their natural armor bonus by +1. (2rp)

Darkvision 60ft (2rp)

Lowlight vision (1rp)

Languages: Draconic and Common. (0rp)

Psyblooded Dragonfolk use Human Favored Class Bonuses and the Age, Height, Weight tables of Dhampir.