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Physical Description

From the waist up a Naga appears very similar to a well-built half-elven human. Their vertically slit eyes typically range from yellow to a lime-like green, though other eye colors have been known to crop up. They have hair in any color that humans possess, and have slightly pointed ears like half-elves. By far their most identifying features lie below the waist line, where instead of legs they have the body and tail of a snake. The scales on these tails come in many different varieties, matching every snake known to man, and possibly even some that aren't. Every Naga's scale pattern is slightly different, and Naga can identify each other by scale pattern as well as they can by facial features. A close examination of most Naga will reveal a pair of 3-inch long, hollow fangs where the canines are on Humans. These fangs are capable of folding up into grooves against the roof of the mouth when not in use, allowing the Naga to safely close their mouths.


Naga society can vary drastically from location to location, but the one constant is that Naga typically live very solitary lives. The Naga typically come together only for mating, during which the female will lay a cluster of 1-10 eggs, and the pair will stay together only long enough for the children to learn to fend for themselves before splitting off.

The Naga of jungles or coasts tend to be very territorial, often staking out up to several miles of territory that they will hunt and defend, sometimes with an almost feral ferocity. In contrast those Naga that live in more open spaces such as plains or even mountain chains tend to adopt a more nomadic lifestyle, following their prey as far as necessary. These nomadic Naga are often seen as more civilized, even being known to keep herds of prey rather than just hunting.


The Naga typically do not get along well with most of the civilized races, due largely in part to their lack of restraint in what they identify as prey. They have been known to have mutually beneficial relations with some of the more war-like races such as the Orc settlements that dot the land, and the occasional Naga has come to be respected even by humans.


Naga are known to be unrestrained and emotional, tending to put their own needs and desires above all else. As such they tend to slide more towards the Chaotic end of the Law-Chaos Axis. Their position on the Good-Evil axis is more even, as members of each of the three are not uncommon.


While Coastal and even Jungle Naga adventurers are not unheard of, the nomadic lifestyle of the Plains and Mountainous Naga lends itself better to the desire to get out and see the world. The Naga's myriad of natural weapons and ferocious instincts leads most Naga adventurers to the path of the Barbarian, though some few have been known to take the regulation of the Fighter. Naga Sorcerers have been known to crop up from time to time, and occasionally a Jungle or Coastal Naga will partake of the Wizardly arts.

Random Starting Ages

Adulthood | Intuitive | Self-Taught | Trained

15 years | +1d4 Years (16-19) | +1d6 Years (16-21) | +2d6 Years (17-27)

Random Length and Weight

Gender | Base Length | Length Mod | Base Weight | Weight Mod

Male | 6 ft. 6 in. | +4d6 (6'10 - 8'6) | 180 lbs. | +(4d6*5) (200-300)

Female | 6 ft. 4 in. | +4d6 (6'8 - 8'4) | 170 lbs. | +(4d6*5) (190-290)

Standard Racial Traits

  • Type: Naga are Humanoids with the Reptilian subtype.
  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Naga are flexible and well versed in surviving in the wilds, but their solitary nature doesn't lend itself to interacting with others. They gain +2 Dex, +2 Wis, and -2 Cha.
  • Size: Naga are Large creatures and gain a -1 size bonus to their AC, a -1 size bonus on attack rolls, a +1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a -4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Base Speed (Fast): Naga have a base speed of 40 feet.
  • Languages: Naga begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Naga with high Intelligence scores can pick from the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, and Sylvan.

Defensive Racial Traits

  • Natural Armor: Naga have a +1 Natural Armor bonus.
  • Legless: Naga have no legs, and therefore cannot be tripped.

Senses Racial Traits

  • Darkvision: Naga can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.

Offensive Racial Traits

  • Bite: Naga have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d3 damage.
  • Toxic: A Naga can envenom a weapon they hold a number of times each day equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day) using venom from special glands in their mouths. Applying their venom in this way is a Swift action, or they can inject the venom directly as a Free action when they hit with their Bite attack. This venom deals 1d2 Str damage 1/round for 6 rounds. The Fort Save DC = 10 + 1/2 the Naga's Character Level + the Naga's Constitution modifier.
  • Poison Use: Naga are skilled with poison use and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to their weapons.

Other Racial Traits

  • Undersized Weapons: Although they are large, Naga wield weapons as if they were a Medium creature.

Alternate Racial Traits

  • -Strong Tailed: Some Naga are closer related to the powerful constrictors than the more venomous serpents. These Naga have bulkier but stronger tails, but lack the poison and fangs of their cousins. Naga with this Racial Trait gain a +2 bonus to CMB when making Grapple checks and a 1d8 + Strength modifier Natural Tail Attack that threatens a 5 foot area, but move slower due to the added bulk. Replaces the Bite, Toxic, and Poison Use Racial Traits, and reduces the Move Speed from Fast to Normal (40 foot to 30 foot)
  • -Spitting Cobra: Some Naga have specially adapted poison glands that are capable of ejecting poison over a long range. Once per day a Naga with this Racial Trait can spit their venom, treating it as a breath weapon that deals 1d6 Acid damage in a 20 foot line. A Reflex Save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Naga's Character Level + the Naga's Constitution modifier negates this damage. Replaces the Bite Racial Trait
  • Water Snake: Some coastal Naga have adapted to be as, if not more, at home in the water as they are on land. They are substantially slower on land than their more terrestrially inclined cousins, but in the water can give many aquatic creatures a run for their money. Reduces the Move Speed from Fast to Slow (40 feet to 20 feet), grants a 30 foot Swim speed and related +8 on Swim checks

Favored Class Bonuses

  • Barbarian: Add +1/4 Natural Armor Bonus. This bonus stacks with any Natural Armor bonus gained from Barbarian class features or the Naga’s base Natural Armor, whichever is higher.
  • Cleric: Select one domain power granted at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the cleric's Wisdom modifier. The cleric adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain power.
  • Druid: Add +1/4 to the Druid’s Animal Companion’s Natural Armor bonus to AC. If the Naga ever replaces his/her Animal Companion the new Companion gains this bonus.
  • Rogue: The Rogue gains 1/6 of a new Rogue Talent.
  • Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.
  • Swashbuckler: Add +1/4 to the number of points in the Swashbuckler’s Panache pool.