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Máy is the co-owner of The Clockwork Lime magitek workshop.



Máy (Mah-eh), is a relatively young yokai. She appears as a young woman with long, straight, jet black hair that's been tied back into a ponytail. Streaks of yellow line her hair. She always appears with oil stains on her face and various parts of her skin. She wears an army green jumpsuit.

When she's not in her workshop, she usually appears in her spirit form, but can manifest herself corporeally, and is unnaturally light when she does so.


Máy is very energetic and very eager to work. She is easily excited by engineering schematics, mathematics, and magitek. She is also easily distracted, except when she's deep into writing new equations or tinkering with some new contraption, where she seems to completely ignore the outside world (and before she died, her own bodily needs).


Máy was a mess of a child prodigy. Her teachers and parents had difficulty getting her to focus on anything they wanted and she was always breaking things to put them back together. Although she's a bit rough with other subjects, she excelled in maths and sciences. She grew up and left for Mukei to be a magiteknician. New to the city and not having anyone she knew around her to stop her, she spent so long working on a new contraption that she forgot to eat, starved, and died. Nonetheless she showed up to he workshop the next day to continue working on her invention, only realizing she had died when she finished and nearly tripped on her own body.

Máy continues to work in Mukei in her workshop, The Clockwork Lime, selling unique magitek wonders. Most are just the result of half-baked ideas that she had and turned into toys to see if she could, but occasionally she creates truly wonderful pieces of magitek.



A kitsune who grew up in Mukei, She grew up poor, and worked as a servant in various forms most of her life. Miki runs the front desk at The Clockwork Lime and tries to sell the strange contraptions that Máy comes up with. She's somewhat successful at it.


Máy intends to create her Magnum Opus, a piece of magitek so great, and so beautiful that it will revolutionize the way everyone thinks about magitek. She has no idea what that could be yet, but she's always tinkering and trying to find out.