Cliff Magoo

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"How do ya do, I'm Cliff Magoo. Come on by, and have some stew." - Cliff Magoo talking to a chair


Meeting the man who runs the streets

He is the hardest working man in the Rogue's Gallery, constantly on the job in Siacros. If you need someone to pick up, or deliver something, even to set up, and gather a dead drop with no one noticing, this is the guy you want. Cliff has set up a very loyal and dedicated small network of actors spanning all the streets in order to collect rumors, do recon, and make sure safe travel is possible in case of emergency.

He and those who fall under his command are constantly putting on an act that they are poor street vagrants, and some, including himself go the extra step to make sure his smells especially foul, presents himself as extremely dirty, and acts as if suffering many mental illnesses. Highly trained in bluff, secret messages are constantly conveyed, encrypted messages, and other signals are used, and updated often to pass on information as to always have the upper hand at the moments notice.

Who is Mr. Magoo?

From humble beginnings starting out as a drug mule, while aspiring to be an actor, he showed off his creative talents in hopes of justifying a larger cut, but as time went on, he found himself addicted to his constant performance of the character he played. While he is unquestionably dedicated to staying in character, he does break character by making a hand gesture and speaking "Scene" in order address things normally, but only if necessary.

Magoo is absolutely a pacifistic, but if you cross him, or anyone he takes under his wing, there will be hell to pay. Many owe him deep favors, weather they know who he is or not, and he holds secrets that he could easily blackmail others to do extreme things if he chose to threaten them. Someone who would consider themselves a complete stranger could be suddenly visited upon by Cliff, and he told their deepest secret, followed by quick instructions to become a distraction for the guards that are on their way, or to start vandalizing the area, all in order to accomplish the task at hand.

Diary of a madman

When preforming, Cliff will go on long nonsensical tangents about anything. Long winded conspiracy theories that can captivate people into actually believing them, then out of nowhere, will add in something so absurd, that others would feel disgusted that they were fooled in the first place. From talking to chairs, moving things around seemingly randomly, to pretending he is possessed, he is constantly in action so he can throw out codes to others, and receive them without anyone thinking there any thing more going on. If anyone does catch on, he makes quick work to throw them off the trail with sending out coded information that goes nowhere, or changing the encryption multiple times over.