Mahn-Eun Elves

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Mahn-Eun Elves: The People of The Future

Mahn-Eun tend towards long hair and pale skin, which they often decorate with fashionable markings or allow to tan while abroad.

The elven sub-race known as the Mahn-Eun are native to the Setlaar state of Usuhan, known for their prowess in technological innovation. Indeed, elven-run laboratories were the site of many investigations and advances of the artifice first shared by the Alrimal natives of Eatash Alram, and continue to be hotbeds of discovery. Another key component of their reputation is their attitude towards other races within the Setlaar, ranging from frustration with the slow appraisal of the Uulchin to their (in)famous relationship with their orcish neighbors. All in all, these elves are a vital part of the confederation's success.

Physical Description

From the start, the Mahn-Eun possess many traits common to their brethren elsewhere on Chronus. Ethereal complexion, slender bodies, taller heights, and the tell-tale point in their ears are all present in them. Just as with others, they tend to be rather beautiful in their forms, enhanced by the Setlaar's preoccupation with luxury that drives them to pretty themselves. The main difference is what changes to themselves that their culture drives them to. This includes facial or bodily markings that align them with different families or companies (often one and the same), and many of those that conduct business abroad allow their skin to tan to signify their worldliness; a Mahn-Eun with a bronzed complexion is often financially successful, or attempting to portray themselves as such.



The Mahn-Eun have taken few measures to record their history, as even before the formation of the Setlaar and the discovery of Alrimal tech, they were often described as being more concerned with the future than their past. What is known is that their affiliation with artifice goes back centuries, with dragoon muskets a regular feature among their old military, and an overall focus on ranged weaponry and kiting slower opponents to pick them off from a distance. When the advances of the desert tribes of Eatash were found, the elvish representatives of the initial venturing parties were quick to trade with them and run back to their home state to tinker with radios, automatic weapons, and combustion engines. Of all the races, they had some of the best relationships with the Alrimal at first, but which quickly soured when the natives realized their enthusiastic partners had virtually no interest in their cultures or traditions, only their materialistic offerings.

In time however, a consistent flaw was discovered in the first innovations from Usuhanian labs. Time and again, the natural elvish intelligence would lead them to wondrous ideas and cutting-edge advances, but in their rush to push the frontier of tech to greater lengths, little attention was paid to ironing out the kinks of what they already had, and perfecting their designs. Hundreds of gadgets of Usuhanian make flooded markets, but would quickly break, or be difficult to use without considerable research. In time, outer-state funding began to drop as 'wonk widgets' of inarguably fine craftsmanship but incredible fragility and intricacy were rejected, and the technological future of the Setlaar was in danger of disappearing. Luckily however, the greatest business partners of the Mahn-Eun would soon rear their heads...

The Great Intertwining

For many generations, the southlands of Usuhan were victims of orcish raiders from savage tribes of greenskins, whose brutish attacks drove settlers from the region and required a watchful eye from elvish rangers. In fact, the desire for new weapons to push back the orcs was a foundation for the constant rush of innovation. The day came however when those rangers reported entire clans picking up and leaving to the depths of great caverns below. Captured orcs spoke of a great prophet emerging among their people who warned of a cataclysm for their people should they continue their banditry. Much skepticism was shown, and the orcs were left to their own devices for whatever strange plans they had in store.

One year after the great migration of the orcish tribes, they emerged from underground with an entirely new language, a collective name for their people, and a sudden talent in blacksmithing and manufacturing. These 'Shaqaale' as they named themselves marched in great hordes to the Usuhanian southlands, and presented heaps of masterwork creations to the elves. When given the infamously mystifying blueprints of the Mahn-Eun, the Shaqaale quickly interpreted them with ease, and gave them the refinement they needed for their brilliance to shed their confusing flaws. While the orcish machines and weapons were well-made, they were also dull and uninspired, and upon introducing them to the elves, a deal was struck.

Usuhanian half-orcs tend to possess miniscule tusks, if any at all, with elvish physiques that belie formidable strength.

According to the terms of the sacred contract known as The Great Intertwining, the Mahn-Eun elves and Shaqaale orcs would interbreed among their most skilled creators and craftsmen, combining blood and tradition to form the most talented artificers of the age. The orcs quickly gained recognition among the states, shedding their barbaric past and prospering under the guidance of elvish wisdom, while the elves grew rich and influential through their perfected technology. Over time, Mahn-Shaqaale interbreeding was honed to an art, the sciences of genetics and mysticism of sanguine magicks allowing them to carefully select for desirable traits of body and mind, and to this day orcish half-elves in the Setlaar are highly respected and invariably talented with greenskin constitution and elvish grace.


Despite the early failures of their convoluted designs, the aspect of elvish esotericism is difficult to shake off, if only because of the inherent differences between their mindsets and that of their neighbors. Whether it is their crystalline architecture, abstract art, intricate social scenes or complex music, outsiders report finding the products of the Mahn-Eun culture as beautiful and of doubtless quality, even if they can't understand it quite as deeply as their creators. This extends to their interactions with foreigners, except for the Shaqaale orcs of course, where the sensation of condescension hangs over just about every conversation with them, even when the elves have the best intentions and think the world of their friends; everything, it seems, needs to be put through a filter for non-elven understanding.

Those who dedicate themselves to diving into the society of the Mahn-Eun however, rarely regret the experience. Upon realizing they're speaking with a true connoisseur of their culture, native-raised elves will often show their appreciation with an excited air, encouraging their new friend to concerts, art galleries, restaurants, anything to showcase their ways to someone without the need for that unfortunate filter. These 'joh-eun molae' ("good sand", referring to the lack of deserts or sandy beaches in Usuhan) speak of an obsession with intricacy in Usuhanian culture, with an especial affinity for small pieces with vast meanings, such as dense artwork or songs and a language that operates on noticeably few basic words with a wide array of attachments that can completely change the context of sentences.

The cities of Usuhan are as beautiful as they are unorthodox.

The Mahn-Eun approach to nature is likely the greatest point of separation between them and other sub-races of elves. While there is an appreciation for everything green and verdant, the elves of Usuhan see nature as something to be improved upon, with the inherent intellect of their kind seen as a confirmation of their role in the world. They often disapprove of other races engaging in massive lumber operations or strip-mining not only because of their damage to the natural world, but because it is an offense to their belief that humans and other mortals are meant to live under the guidance of elves, not to take such manipulation of their surroundings into their own hands. The short lives and shorter perceptions of other races, according to Usuhanian social theory, means they are more prone to causing unforeseen damage down the line that the current elvish generation will have to suffer through and repair.


Though the Mahn-Eun could rarely be called blasphemous, spirituality is not as common among them as other races, with their preference for pushing the envelope in perpetuity leading them to focus on more material matters than the gods. When the Yauthkair gnolls of Latreia performed their confederacy-wide pilgrimage that reignited piousness among the Setlaar, they received much curiosity but little active interest from their elvish hosts. Yuelral has always had a small presence among the Mahn-Eun, influencing their use of crystal in their architecture, but her focus on magic over artifice kept her from overt influence. It was only with the rise of the Gods of Chronus that they showed real interest in the gods, with The Self-Forged Avalia Naramoore gaining an instant appreciation with the 'birth' of the Gearborn, those children in close proximity to advanced technology at the moment of her ascension to godhood. Already, plans are in the making of incorporating the Gearborn into the sanguine calculations of breeding with the Shaqaale, and outside of androids and other constructs, many of the Mithral Lady's faithful can be found in Usuhan.

Racial Traits

Mahn-Eun elves possess the same Size, Type, Base Speed, and Languages as other elves, but possess different Ability Score Modifiers, and in addition to 'global' Common speak the Elvish dialectic Manhun

Ability Score Modifiers: Mahn-Eun elves are as dexterous and intelligent their sibling subraces, and have managed to eliminate their fragility through orcish breeding and genetic alterations, but their distance from other mortalkind renders them irritating in most social circumstances. They gain +2 Intelligence and Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. However, when interacting with Shaqaalan orcs (rolling Charisma-based skill checks), they gain a +2 to Charisma to cancel out their penalty.

Defense Racial Trait: The Usuhanian elves have seen no reason to tamper with their positive aspects, and so retain their immunity to magical slumber and saving throws.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits: In addition to elvish Skill Bonus, the natural skill with artifice means Mahn-Eun elves have the Master Tinker (+2 RP) racial trait, gaining a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks and being treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.

Magical Racial Traits: With such distance from magic and a preference for technology, the Mahn-Eun elves have largely lost their affinity for casting, and no longer possess Elven Magic.

Offense Racial Trait: While Usuhanian elves are still proficient with long-ranged weapons, the changing of times and their desire to embrace the future over preserving ancient past has caused them to exchange their skill with longbows and shortbows for proficiency in firearms, whether exotic or martial. The practices of the old Alinibal Court have preserved their skill with such a fine aristocrat's weapon as rapiers though, and small cultural efforts encourage a retained familiarity with elven weapons, still treating them as martial.

Senses Racial Traits: Though their skill with genetics would allow them to enhance their nightvision, the wide array of other options means the Mahn-Eun have done little to affect their natural ability to see distances in dim light. There is no change to this trait.