Steelworks Android

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A creation of Naramoore Steelworks, these androids are much like their ancient counterparts in that they are created in the image of human beings. Like the androids that currently roam Chronus, these units do possess a soul that, effectively, selected the vessel as suitable upon being recycled. Unlike those androids, those of The Steelworks are undoubtedly constructs, similar in the function of their form to drones though possessed of advanced artificial intellect and, at least seemingly, free will. Such a will is debatable in so far as that the sentience of these androids is often shaped or at least inclined in certain ways by the creator. Some models have been produced for research purposes with no such bias, free to develop in any way they see fit.

It takes many weeks of continuous work to produce even one such android, each one tailored to the form it will take. Such work cannot, currently at least, be automated or performed via assembly line due to the precision needed even on those parts common to all such androids. Through the method of their creation and the technology involved, these androids can trace their 'heritage' back to the original twenty five units, revered now for their ancestor status.

Physical Description

Pale, synthetic skin hides their mechanical frames, complex parts and advanced machinery. Each unit is painstakingly crafted by technicians with great care. A cursory look might mistake them entirely for a human but a closer, more thorough examination reveals inconsistencies such as their artificial eyes. Cut into one and it will bleed a little of what looks to be watered down blood, a substance designed to keep it's synthetic skin from deteriorating. Deeper still, other machine fluids cycle their bodies, maintaining the inner workings of these created beings. With each batch the variance in their features grows, though most still sport white or black hair. Eye colour varies wildly as androids are able to easily replace or customise that particular aspect without much concern.


Almost all Steelworks Androids are created to fulfill a purpose, though that purpose is defined largely by their early cognitive development and that which the Steelworks most needs. New units are oriented on the basics of being alive and then assigned a designation based on their intended purpose when they are certifiably sound. Obtaining a name is something of a rite of passage for new units though some still believe that Most androids remain in service to the Steelworks without concern, compensated monetarily and with accommodation, and spending their free time as they see fit. All relatively young, being that their advent as a race was a mere five years ago, Steelworks Androids have a curiosity tempered with caution that makes them naturally sociable in spite of their lacking social grace, this especially true when learning from senior units or trusted Steelworks staff.

Units are given a designation rather than a name, a string of characters that concisely conveys the state or nation in which they were created as well as their model, role and finally their unique digits. A typical designation would be, for example, NS.NOR-L.00307, telling that this unit was created in Norgrash, is a Logistics unit and has the unique digits 00307. Most androids shorten this to just the relevant unique digits (Unit 307 in this example). As they live, work and socialise it is considered a rite of passage to eventually settle on and select a name, though the enormity of such a decision often leaves many androids without one for years.

Rogue units do exist, though rarely in a hostile capacity. When a unit expresses uniquely individualistic tendencies and a desire to strike out on their own it is not opposed but is severely downplayed. Units that are aware of a rogue find this incredibly distasteful and actively shun them if contact is ever made, this being especially true for devout androids and Prelate Units. Hostile rogues are exceedingly rare but do occur, primarily when a combat designated unit's cognition develops a defect. These are hunted down with extreme prejudice.


Steelworks Androids are highly social among themselves and with Steelworks staff they have come to trust. Logistics and Prelate units are often the most sociable beyond that, happy and capable of holding conversation with outsiders of any race. Others can be somewhat cagey, though humans are familiar enough in form to be reassuring to them. Perhaps because of their creator they display an unnerving interest in tieflings, observing them keenly when not brave enough to engage them in conversation.

Alignment and Religion

Thanks mainly to the efforts of the original Prelate Unit, 25P, the worship of their creator, Avalia Naramoore, has become mainstream among units with prayers and written scripture still actively being developed by senior Prelate Units. These units function as clerics and priests, reinforcing the belief in their creator as a true god. Most other units are happy to accept and practice this religion, offering thanks and prayer where appropriate. Combat oriented units often demonstrate a much deeper capacity for worship and belief and actively practice shows of reverence or more readily allow themselves and their squads to be attended by Prelate units preceding and proceeding their deployments.

Where alignment is concerned units trend towards an ordered and lawful disposition, keen to obey the rules of the environment. Some units, those with an abundance of curiosity, have been recorded as possessing a chaotic alignment and are the most likely to develop rogue tenancies. Good and evil do not tend to factor much into their thinking.

Racial Traits

Name Effect
Type: Construct Darkvision 60 feet, Construct Immunities
Size Medium
Base Speed Steelworks Androids have a base movement speed of 30 feet.
Ability Scores Steelworks Androids are purpose built to fit their intended role, all possessing a base model. A unit's racial ability scores are determined by this base model.
Language Steelworks Androids are created with an understanding of Common and Androffan. Those with high intelligence may select any additional languages they want (excluding secret languages, such as Druidic).
Alert Steelworks Androids, by default, possess keen senses, gaining a +2 racial bonus on Perception Checks.
Factual Owing to their nature and focus on observation, Steelworks Androids have trouble skewing the facts and deceiving others. They suffer a -4 penalty on Bluff Checks.
Adjustable Vision Steelworks Androids, built as they are with darkvision, can see perfectly in even pitch black conditions up to a range of 60 feet. They also come equipped with low-light vision.
Emulated Life A Steelworks Android is designed to imitate life to such an extent that it forgoes some of the qualities innate to Constructs and shares at least some qualities with organic beings. They possess the following qualities in spite of their construct type:
  • They possess a constitution score, granting hit points as normal. They do not get bonus hit points according to their size.
  • They can be healed by positive energy effects, though their effectiveness is halved. Repair effects work at full capacity. Healing that would function regardless of type works at full capacity as well as Alchemy Sphere’s Salve Formulae.
  • They are not destroyed when they reach 0 hit points instead becoming dormant and stable.
  • They are considered dead when they reach a negative number of hit points equal to their constitution score.
  • They possess a soul and can be resurrected as normal provided their body remains intact.
  • They must ‘sleep’ for 4 hours each day, effectively entering a dormant state much like sleep, regaining hit points as normal and clearing the fatigue or exhaustion conditions.
  • They are not immune to bleed but only suffer half damage. Effects that would allow a creature to bypass bleed in any way (such as Duelist Sphere’s Ooze Ichor talent) instead allow them to inflict bleed damage at full capacity.
  • They are not immune to nonlethal damage inflicted by an electrical attack (such as a taser).
  • They are not immune to the fatigue or exhausted conditions. They can be targeted by such effects even if they would not function against objects. They gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Saves vs such effects.
  • They convert any morale bonus they would have received to an insight bonus.
  • They are not immune to ability damage or ability drain.
Efficient Integration Steelworks Androids are built with future improvement in mind. Any Tech Sphere Augment grafted to the Steelworks Android via the Craft Augment Graft feat can be activated or deactivated as a swift action if the creature chooses.


Steelworks androids are each designed to operate in a certain capacity based on their model. Initially the only difference physically was between the more civilian, logistics units and the more active and security oriented combat units. Now there are as many as nine different models, some of which overlap in their core design schematics.

Civilian Models

The most numerous, these androids were initially built to fill roles that ordinarily would be filled by regular people. Administrators, clerks, accountants and such. Since their inception the model has been broadened to also account for engineering, maintenance and technical tasks as well as factory based positions. Despite the android's relative youth some have managed to prove effective at management, even if mostly over others of their kind. Civilian models are specifically designated with either an 'L' if intended for more administrative tasks and an 'E' for more technical engineering tasks. All civilian model androids have the following adjustments to their core design:

  • Inherently more intelligent and precise, but not built for the rigors of combat. They possess +2 Dex, +2 Int and -2 Con.
  • They may select either a single Craft or Profession skill, gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill. This is intended to represent their specific designation and role.
  • Their intended purposes necessitate better communication, all civilian model androids designed with better language processing. They may select an additional language which they can both speak and understand regardless of their final intelligence score.

Combat Models

A typical Combat Unit, in uniform

Intended to function within the already established corporate security force, combat model androids have seen a great many enhancements and tweaks since their inception. Compared to the civillian models they display somewhat more muted personalities, their relative inability to properly express emotions mistaken for the lack of any. Most serve as security guards though they are equipped and trained more like soldiers while others are instructed on how to pilot armoured suits or vehicles. Where designations are concerned, 'C' is used to denote the standard ground unit, 'H' for those piloting powered armour suits and 'M' for those utilising mechanised vehicles of a striking variety. All combat model androids share the following adjustments to their core design:

  • Sharp reflexes and the situational awareness necessary to excel in combat, but lackluster where social matters are concerned. They possess +2 Dex, +2 Wis and -2 Cha.
  • This model may select either Acrobatics, Profession (Driver) or Profession (Pilot), gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill. This is intended to represent their specific designation and role.
  • Sturdier design makes these units more durable and granting them a +1 Natural Armour Bonus.

Arcanist Models

A Steelworks Technomacer in the field.

Something of a peculiarity given Lady Naramoore's vehement distaste for magic, arcanist model androids are dispositioned towards the use of magic by design, often gravitating towards fields such as technopathy and branching into a variety of magics that complement their work.

While all areas of magic are open to them there is a known 'glitch' in their manipulation of arcane energies that manifests in cosmetic differences to the intended effect. Light spells manifesting with a bluish light reminiscent of xenon, destructive projectiles carrying digital artifact-like effects or warp effects tearing temporary rifts are just some of the known phenomenon.

Arcanist model androids serve both in frontline combat roles and in support roles where needed and tend to be rather studious on other subjects as well. Their designation includes an 'A' for the broader arcanists or a 'T' in the case of the more common Technomancer units. All arcanist model androids share the following core design adjustments:

  • Innate intelligence and precision, much in the same way as their civilian counterparts, though they sacrifice strength. They possess +2 Dex, +2 Int and -2 Str.
  • This model may select a single Knowledge skill, gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill.
  • A design predisposition makes them more powerful and skilled in the manipulation of magic. These units may select a two magic spheres or schools of magic, allowing them to treat their effective caster level as 1 higher when casting spells from those spheres or schools. This does not count for pre-requisites, only for the power and scaling of the effect.
A Prelate Unit in their 'traditional' robes and mask.

Divine Models

Actually the progenitor model for the arcanist model androids, the divine model was initially the result of overzealous staff at the Norgrash branch of The Steelworks, resulting in Unit 25-P, also known as "The Last of the First" within what passes for history and lore among androids. Currently only prelate units use this model for their design. They spend much of their time trying to guide their fellow androids (and sometimes regular Steelworks employees) in worship of their creator god with varying levels of success. The older or otherwise more senior among them dedicate much of their time to writing scripture and developing the mythos of their race's creation. Beyond that they contribute as support casters and healers should they deploy alongside combat units for an operation. Divine model androids have the following adjustments to their core design:

  • A sense of presence and sagicity though lacking physical strength. They possess +2 Wis, +2 Cha and -2 Str.
  • This model may select a single Knowledge skill, gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill.
  • A design predisposition allows them to be significantly more potent and skilled in the manipulation of certain divine powers. These units may select Creation, Divination, Fate, Life, Light or Technomancy sphere, allowing them to treat their effective caster level as 2 higher when casting spells from the chosen sphere. This does not count for pre-requisites, only for the power and scaling of the effect they are casting.

Scout Models

An offshoot of the standard combat units, scout model androids are those that function in either a reconnaissance or covert intelligence role, though the latter is rarely spoken of. Reconnaissance units are often deployed on surveying missions or alongside combat units to act as forward scouts, trained in stealth and often equipped with marksman rifles. The specifics of what training, equipment and purpose intelligence units have is largely unknown, even to other androids. The designation for a recon unit is 'R' while covert intelligence units are noted by an 'I', though rarely seen. All scout model androids have the following adjustments to their core design:

  • Good awareness, precise movements and good reaction times, much the same as their progenitor combat units though with caveats to their overall physical strength. They possess +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str.
  • This model may select Acrobatics, Climb, Swim, Survival or Stealth, gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill.
  • Their role as scouts necessitates faster movement. Increase their base speed by 5 ft.

Alternate Racial Traits

Mechanized Strength: Steelworks Androids are built for various purposes, some requiring more brawn than finesse. These androids gain a +2 Bonus to Strength. This alters the Steelworks Android's racial ability scores from their model, replacing either their +2 to Dexterity or +2 to Wisdom (if the model in question has one). If a model has a -2 to Strength this cancels out the negative modifier, resulting in +0 to Strength.

Apathetic: While some struggle with presenting a creative interpretation of the truth, others lack empathy and, along with it, an ability to discern truth from lies. These Steelworks Androids take a  -4 Sense Motive. This trait replaced Factual.

Favoured Class Bonuses

Steelworks Androids are built to imitate humans not just in form but, in some ways, in function too. When selecting favored class rewards they may select human favored class rewards such as but not limited to those below.

  • Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the alchemist formula list to the character’s formula book. This formula must be at least one level below the highest formula level the alchemist can create.
  • Arcanist: Add one spell from the arcanist spell list to the arcanist’s spellbook. The spell must be at least 1 spell level below the highest level the arcanist can cast.
  • Armiger: Gain +1/6 of a prowess.
  • Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to trap sense or +1/3 to the bonus from the superstitious rage power.
  • Bard: Add one spell known from the bard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the bard can cast.
  • Blacksmith: Add +1/2 to all Profession (blacksmith) checks made to craft a weapon you are proficient with.
  • Bloodrager: Increase the bloodrager’s total number of bloodrage rounds per day by 1.
  • Brawler: Gain a +1 bonus to the brawler’s CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the brawler’s choice.
  • Cavalier: Add +1/4 to the cavalier’s banner bonus.
  • Cleric: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
  • Commander: Gain +1/6 of an enhanced tactic.
  • Conscript: Gain +1/6 of a combat talent.
  • Druid: Add a +1/2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.
  • Fighter: Add +1 to the Fighter’s CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character’s choice.
  • Gunslinger: Add +1/4 point to the gunslinger’s grit points.
  • Hunter: Add 1 skill rank to the hunter’s animal companion. If the hunter replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus skill ranks.
  • Inquisitor: Add one spell known from the inquisitor spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the inquisitor can cast.
  • Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Perception checks to see through magical disguises or pinpoint invisible creatures.
  • Investigator: Add one extract formula from the investigator’s formula list to his formula book. This formula must be at least 1 formula level below the highest level the investigator can create.
  • Kineticist: Gain 1/6 of an Extra Wild Talent feat.
  • Magus: Add +1/4 point to the magus’ arcane pool.
  • Medium: When gaining a taboo, the medium can use spirit surge without incurring influence an additional 1/4 time per day.
  • Mesmerist: Increase the mesmerist’s towering ego bonus by 1/3 point (to a maximum increase of +2).
  • Monk: Add +1/4 point to the monk’s ki pool.
  • Occultist: Gain 1/6 of a new focus power.
  • Occultist: Add a +1/3 bonus on any skill check attempted as a part of an occult ritual.
  • Oracle: Add one spell known from the oracle spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the oracle can cast.
  • Paladin: Add +1 to the paladin’s energy resistance to one kind of energy (maximum +10).
  • Psychic: Add one spell known from the psychic spell list. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest spell level the psychic can cast.
  • Psychic: Add a +1/4 bonus to AC when flatfooted, to a maximum of what the psychic’s AC would be if not flat-footed.
  • Ranger: Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the ranger’s animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his companion, the new companion gains these bonus hit points or skill ranks.
  • Rogue: The rogue gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
  • Scholar: Increase the save DC and damage of your flashbangs by +1/5.
  • Sentinel: Increase the total number of negative hit points you can reach before dying by 2.
  • Shaman: Add one spell from the cleric spell list that isn’t on the shaman spell list to the list of spells the shaman knows. This spell must be at least 1 level below the highest spell level the shaman can cast.
  • Skald: Add one spell from the skald’s spell list to the skald’s known spells. This spell must be at least 1 spell level below the highest level the skald can cast.
  • Slayer: Gain 1/6 of a new slayer talent.
  • Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.
  • Spiritualist: Add 1 skill rank or 1 hit point to the spiritualist’s phantom.
  • Striker: Gain +1 ft. to your movement speed (this ability does nothing until selected 5 times)
  • Summoner: Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the summoner’s eidolon.
  • Swashbuckler: Increase the total number of points in the swashbuckler’s panache pool by 1/4.
  • Technician: Gain +1/6th of a technical insight.
  • Vigilante: Gain +1/2 on the Disguise bonus provided by seamless guise.
  • Warpriest: Gain 1/6 of a new bonus combat feat.
  • Witch: Add one spell from the witch spell list to the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.
  • Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard’s spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.