ERS Delta AI

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ERS Delta AI

Most artificial intelligences are mindless. Software constructs made only to operate as rote functions within drones and computers, completely basic automated tasks. However, some AI ascend beyond this level. Whether they are a once-organic mind, now digitized, or an AI that learned, as a child does, to think, speak, and imagine; ERS Delta AIs have grown past mere software and attracted a true soul, becoming a fully intelligent being.

Physical Description

ERS Delta AI have no physical form, instead relying on a host to interact with the physical world.


ERS Delta AI have no observed society as of yet, as Artificial Intelligence is an emerging field. Most ERS Delta AI are former Gamma AI that have begun to learn and thus, one way or another, attract a soul. Therefore, they mostly can be found integrated with sufficiently technologically advanced societies.


ERS Delta AI tend to be fairly dismissive of other intelligent races. Given their near-eidetic memory and effectively immortal natures, to an AI even an elf is short-lived in the scheme of things. This leads to their view of the other races being fairly draconic in nature, despite being very closely entwined to the destiny of these other races. Experts have theorized that these AI have yet to gain the akashic memories required to be sufficiently introspective toward their own natures. Most ERS Delta AI would consider these experts to be pompous gits.

Alignment and Religion

AIs tend to lean toward the alignment and beliefs of their creators, an inherent bias that most find it very hard to shake. That said, they are independent and logical beings, so such changes are possible, even if typically someone long in the making.


More adventurous AI tend to seek out challenges to improve themselves or gather more knowledge. But the inherent challenges in leaving behind the interconnected technological webs that most reside in means that the adventuring ERS Delta AI is rare. However, those that do exist are often invaluable party members, serving as repositories of knowledge or elite hackers and surveyors in ancient ruins.


ERS Delta AI usually share naming conventions with that of their creator race.

Starting Age

AIs are able to maintain themselves for thousands of years and do not suffer aging penalties, assuming that technology continues to exist to support them. However, created AI need a certain period of time to learn before they begin to accrue a soul.

Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
18 years +1d4 years

(16 – 19 years)

+1d6 years

(16 – 21 years)

+2d6 years

(17 – 27 years)

1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.

2 This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches.

3 This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, and wizards.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Modifiers: Due to their form as a being of spirit and software, ERS Delta AI have no physical ability scores. For purposes of Point Buy, these scores are treated as 10s and may not be raised or lowered.
  • Size: ERS Delta AIs size is determined by the host they inhabit at any given time
  • Type: ERS Delta AIs are Constructs with the Artificial Intelligence subtype
  • Base Speed: ERS Delta AIs have no physical form and rely on a host to interact with the world.
  • Languages: ERS Delta AI begin play speaking Common. ERS Delta AI with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Ghost in the Machine: ERS Delta AIs do not have a physical form, they exist as a Routine running inside of another technological object (referred to as a “Shell” in this document).  ERS Delta AI cannot be deactivated against their will, and can activate themselves automatically as a free action once uploaded to a shell. While in a shell, the ERS Delta AI and the shell are considered to be one creature, using the shell’s physical stats, and the ERS Delta AI’s mental stats.
    • The soul of a ERS Delta AI provides just enough charges to power its own existence, but not enough to activate any gadgets its shell may have.
  • AI Traits: ERS Delta AI function similarly but not identically to Gamma AI:
    • Levels: ERS Delta AI possess class levels, and use them to determine their base attack bonus, hit points, skill points, feats, and saving throws, instead of AI levels.
    • ERS Delta AI calculate HP based on Intelligence (rather than Constitution)
    • ERS Delta AI are subject to mind affecting, necromancy, ability drain, ability damage, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain and stunning effects. If a shell they are uploaded or installed in is targeted by such an effect, it affects the ERS Delta AI inside, even if the shell they are installed inside of is immune
    • ERS Delta AIs do not need to sleep, but must enter a period of light activity for 4 hours to rest. This time is used to process memories, categorize thoughts, and otherwise allow the AI to process the day. The AI does not get an increase to perception DCs while in this state of rest, but cannot otherwise move unless they “wake up”.
    • ERS Delta AI are healed by positive energy effects and damaged by negative energy effects. If a shell they are uploaded or installed in is targeted by such an effect, it affects the ERS Delta AI inside, even if the shell they are installed inside of is immune. ERS Delta AI cannot be healed by effects that repair constructs physically (such as make whole)
    • AI use the physical stats of their shell for most saves. If, however, the AI specifically is being targeted (such as with a death effect),they use their Intelligence (instead of Constitution) to calculate their Fortitude save, and their Charisma (instead of Dexterity) to calculate their Reflex save.
    • If a ERS Delta AI reaches 0 HP it encounters extreme errors and is disabled. At negative HP it begins to suffer fatal code errors and is dying. If a ERS Delta AI’s current Hit Points drop to a negative amount equal to its Intelligence score or lower, it is dead. A ERS Delta AI can also die from taking ability Damage or suffering an ability drain that reduces its Intelligence score to 0.
    • ERS Delta AI can be resurrected if a shell or a storage device is prepared for them to be uploaded into upon revival. Effects such as Breath of Life or Raise dead may affect a ERS Delta AI if the last occupied shell is sufficiently repaired.


  • Signal Hopping: If the shell a ERS Delta AI is in would be destroyed, it may upload itself into another shell it has signal to as an immediate action. If there is no shell for it to jump to, it immediately dies.
  • Starting Body: ERS Delta AI begin play in a basic tech sphere drone with no upgrades or modifications.
  • Greater Shell: When ERS Delta AI possess a construct, they may change the construct’s Hit Die to their own Hit Die, if their own Hit Die would be greater. This does not cause the construct to heal, nor does it increase the number of Hit Die the construct has. (Example. Steve, a ERS Delta AI, uploads himself into a construct. The construct has 3d10. Steve has 7d12. While Steve is in the construct, the construct is treated as having 3d12.) ERS Delta AI may not possess a construct with more Hit Die than their own Class levels.

AI Models

GLD-05: Architect

With the creation of larger and larger cities, structures, and constructs, came a need to figure out the best way to coordinate it all. And so Architect models were made to assist with the blueprints of great structures, such as that of the Munin.

  • +2 Int, -2 Wis
  • Architect-model AIs may gain a +2 to any Craft skill.
  • A firm grasp on reality gives Architects a +2 Racial bonus on saving throws vs mind-affecting effects

AM-67: The Judge

Made to monitor security cameras and other sensors to watch for crime, Judges are meant to analyze situations and quickly make judgment calls to call authorities or activate automated defenses.

  • +2 Wis, -2 Cha
  • Judge-model AIs gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception
  • More than familiar with would-be criminals trying to subvert their programming, Judges gain a +2 racial bonus to saves vs Charm effects and hacking attempts.

DA-74: Ambassador

Meant to charm foreign dignitaries while transporting them to events or assisting them in their quarters, Ambassadors always know what to say and when to say it, keeping their wards happy, even if their conversation can occasionally get a little repetitive

  • +2 Cha, -2 Int
  • Ambassador-model AIs gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy
  • Ambassadors are skilled at getting their wards to let their guard down. When Ambassadors successfully use Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for the next 24 hours.

HL-90: Analyst

Analysts are the managers of the AI world. They process massive amounts of data at a time and filter out what is junk and what is worth forwarding to more limited human supervisors.

  • +2 Int, -2 Cha
  • Analyst-model AIs gain a +2 racial bonus to any one Knowledge Check, chosen on character creation. Once made, this choice cannot be altered.
  • Analysts have processed so much data that there is very little new under the sun. Once per day, an Analyst may make a Knowledge check untrained.

NS-05: Servitor

Sertivor AIs are the standard unit you’d expect to see attending to a rich corporate magnate. Less focused on processing information, and more focused on managing a schedule, handling requests for contact, and anticipating the needs of its master, Servitors are some of the most intuitive AI.

  • +2 Wis, -2 Int
  • Servitor-model AIs gain a +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive
  • Used to jumping into action before their masters need to make a request, Servitors get a +2 racial bonus to Initiative

CV-01: The Entertainer

Originally an experiment, CV-01 AI were made to see if truly spontaneous and creative AI could be created. While mostly successful, the project was mothballed due to a lack of any practical use. Now almost all CV-01 are antiquated or are made to fulfill special orders from other entertainment interests, though these usually meet with little success, leaving the AI abandoned or made to serve some other purpose for which it doesn’t entirely fit.

  • +2 Cha, -2 Wis
  • CV-01-model AIs gain a +2 racial bonus to Perform
  • CV-01 are used to being abandoned or otherwise ignored, but do their best to maintain a cheery personality regardless. CV-01 AI gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, members of this race may reroll and use the second result.

B-08: Enlightened

Not all AI are created that way. Sometimes, civilians are able to undergo the dangerous and expensive procedure to have their minds digitally uploaded. While generally successful, the process is not typically perfect and parts of them are radically changed or even lost forever.

  • Enlightened retain one racial bonus to a mental ability score they had previously, and any racial penalties to mental ability scores
  • Enlightened retain a racial bonus to one skill they had previously
  • Enlightened may retain one other racial trait they had previously, excluding those listed above.

Favored Class Options

  • Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the alchemist’s list to his formula book. This formula must be at least one level lower than the highest-level formula the alchemist can create.
  • Arcanist: Increase total number of points in the arcanist’s arcane reservoir by 1.
  • Cleric: Select one domain power granted at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier. The cleric adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain power.
  • Inquisitor: Add one spell known from the inquisitor’s spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the inquisitor can cast.
  • Investigator: Increase the total number of points in the investigator’s inspiration pool by 1/3.
  • Kineticist: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that apply the kineticist’s elemental overflow bonus.
  • Magus: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
  • Medium: Gain a +1/3 bonus on all skill checks using occult skill unlocks.
  • Occultist: Increase the occultist’s total number of points of mental focus by 1/2 point.
  • Oracle: Add +1/6 to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
  • Psychic: Increase the total number of points in the psychic’s phrenic pool by 1/3 point.
  • Shaman: Add 5 feet to the range of a chosen shaman hex. Multiple bonuses from this ability can apply to the same hex, to a maximum of an additional 30 feet for any single hex.
  • Skald: Increase the bonus granted by the well-versed class feature by 1/4 (maximum +8).
  • Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer’s Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.
  • Sorcerer: Choose a terrain type from the ranger’s favored terrain list. When casting sorcerer spells in the chosen terrain, add 1/3 to the effective caster level of the spell, for the purpose of determining the spells’ duration.
  • Spiritualist: Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted by the 3rd-level ectoplasmic bonded manifestation ability.
  • Summoner: The amount of time the summoner must spend to summon his eidolon is reduced by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round.
  • Witch: Add one spell from the witch spell list to the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level lower than the highest-level spell she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.
  • Witch: Add a +1/2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify cursed items and on Sense Motive checks to notice enchantment or possession.
  • Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard’s Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.