Daimyo Ka, Paladin of The Painted Lady

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"Ka, the Ka I know, is a woman of great aura. Not the greatest artist in the world, not the smartest woman in the room, but she has a way of influencing the world. She's... Infectious with her attitude." ~Dar Kio, ex-lover


Dress of a Magitech Loving Noble

Ka, long before becoming a Daimyo, was a mediocre artist that spent most of her time trying to refine the process of taking Materia and turning it into a powdered substance to paint with. She never truly succeeded but, with the help of a few magitech professionals, she did eventually manage to create a set of armour and a weapon that are used to do a great many thing.

Eterans would likely sometimes call her weapon a Gleam Brush. It does function as such on a larger scale, however the difference shines when paired with her unique armour. Ka is able to draw creatures to life in a near instant, using Materia stored in the armour to add power to her creations. Like with what most Wizards would call a 'Summon Monster' spell, she can perform numerous tasks with her painted creatures, especially those that are temporary copies of her allies.

Becoming a Daimyo

Being from the Gast family she was born rather high into life, politics were taught to her at an early age, and although she grasped it rather well, the ways she went about getting what she felt she was owed were rather unique. One of the first things she wanted was a special title that had gone out of use, and to do so she petitioned many great ancestors to aid her in convincing the stubborn nobles who wished to stand on outdated traditions.

After using the aid of the old spirits and the skills she had refined through her time with them, Ka was eventually granted the title of Daimyo, and has since always preferred to use her title even when it may seem rather formal for the situation. The title itself didn't come with much increase in standing, although it seemed to do what she wanted, get her name spoken throughout the lands.

Relationship with The Eternal Rose

The Eternal Rose, The Painted Lady, the Eternal Maiden, many names given to the same woman. Shelyn. Worshipped by several races as a deity of love and expression, she only gained traction within the Nebulous East in the last few decades. Being one for internal beauty and expression, Daimyo Ka took to these ideals and attempted to push them in what she felt was the right direction. Though some of her attempts to court the idea of Shelyn weren't the best (we don't talk about the turkey/peacock incident), she was brought a little attention from the deity when her deeds to create her armour and weapon set filled her path with good deeds. Having received only a single sign from the Goddess, Daimyo nevertheless seized that, spreading the word and artforms of the deity around the lands with her influence. She wishes to meet The Painted Lady one day and be worthy to at least hold her hand.