Royal Butterfly

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Danaidae Monarch John Jackman-M.jpg
Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
1 Year old +1d3 years

(2-5 years)

+2d3 years

(3-7 years)

+3d3 years

(4-10 years)

Middle Age Old Venerable
14 21 28
Gender Base Wingspan Wingspan Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6" + 1d4 Inches 0.001 Lbs. + 1d4x0.001 Lbs.
Female 6" + 1d6 Inches 0.001 Lbs. + 1d6x0.001 Lbs.


Butterflies who have been exposed to magic since the larval stage will rarely develop into their Royal variant. These Royal Larva will often abuse their size to devour their smaller brethren to reduce the competition on the ambient magic, resulting in no more than a single Royal in a brood. As they grow, they develop and ego, resulting in a sentient creature by the time they hatch from their cocoon. Being low on the food chain, even the Royal Butterflies often die to an hungry bird by the time they learn to fend for themselves. These that survive to adulthood are often the lucky few, paragons of their kind.

Physical Description

Royal Butterflies look similar to their brethren, but often bigger with deeper colors. Such butterflies survive for far longer than their common counterparts. The butterflies will often learn to imitate their surroundings, going as far to slightly alter their colors as needed. A butterfly in the forest will often lean towards green or brown, while one in a rocky mountain will lean towards gray and white.


Royal Butterflies are raised as common butterflies, and share their views. They will often favor the protectors of their home environment, and contest that that seek to harm it.

Alignment and Religion

Royal Butterfly tend to live in nature, and lean towards neutrality. They are often atheists, though some are converted to nature gods prevalent in their region.


Royal Butterflies rarely go into adventure, not being part of any civilization. The rare few that venture out do so often out of necessity, such as their forest being burnt down. Others born near civilization might slowly learn from afar before joining it, inheriting their ideals.

Royal Butterfly Racial Traits

Ability Score Modifiers (1 RP): Royal Butterflies inherit the fragility of all butterflies, but tend to make up for it in their royal demeanor. This grants them +4 charisma, at a penalty of -2 to all three physical stats.

Type (0 RP): Royal Butterflies are Magical Beasts

Size (8 RP): Royal Butterflies are Diminutive creatures. This grants them +4 Size bonus to Dexterity, and a -4 penalty to Strength.

Base Speed (4 RP): Royal Butterflies walk as fast as a caterpillar at 5 feet. Their flying of 30(Clumsy) helps them move between flowers.

Languages: Royal Butterflies begin play knowing Sylvan. Royal Butterflies with high intelligence are capable of learning Elven, Common and Auran. Royal Butterflies lack vocal cords, and cannot speak.

Pheromone communication: Royal Butterflies often communicates with smell. If they somehow manage to contract a controlled creatures (such as summons, familiars or animal companions), they can grant it the ability to understand them. These creatures can understand the Royal Butterfly as if it could speak. Creatures with the Scent ability can smell such communication, though not understand it. This ability is one way, and such creatures must use their existing means to communicate back.

Darkvision (2 RP): As all butterflies, Royal Butterflies possess a darkvision of 60 feet.

Lucky (4 RP): Royal Butterflies that survive to adulthood are naturally lucky. This grants them +2 racial bonus to all saves.

Camouflage (1 RP): Royal Butterflies learn to hide from predators in their natural terrain (as chosen from Ranger's favored terrain list). Royal Butterflies gain +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within that terrain type.

Susceptible wings: While a butterfly's wings are relatively sturdy, every severe hit can cripple them. If the butterfly is subject to a critical strike or suffers over half his hitpoints in a single strike, its fly speed is halved for a week or until it receives magical healing.

Available slots: Butterflies are naturally limited to belt, eyes and the tattoo items. For other slots, the butterfly must spend 20% of the item's value (as in the market price) over the course of a day (8 hours of work) to transform it into something it can use. The butterfly may end the effect over an hour, recouping the the full cost. Royal Butterflies cannot use armors or weapons, though they can lift a single item at a time, activate such items, or provide somatic components. Items of incorrect size may still require resizing.

Favored Class Bonuses

  • Incanter - Gain +1/6 of a new bonus magic talent.