Silas Greenport

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Silas Greenport is the first son of Carlyle Greenport, Duke of Grey Hallow, making him the heir to the duchy. He is also the Count of Cornwood, named after the Bicorn, not the plant. He has been tutored in the art of ruling by Lucius Eburnus, the head of the Asmodean Inquisition in Greyhollow. He had always diligently taken to his studies seeing his right to rule over the duchy as natural and yet understanding he had a duty to protect the people of his lands just as they had a duty to obey him.

As he prepared to rule he tried to step into the realm of politics in Grey Hollow and found that while the nobility and guilds were by right supposed to answer to the duke and his family, the duke was no more than a puppet as many in the city only listened to those of the House of Buckwood and other, more secretive masters.

Thus he went to his mentor, Lucius Eburnus, and trusting the young master, Lucius filled him in on the secret war waged between the Church of Asmodeus and the knives of assassins who bore the blessing of Count Renalc.

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