Archmagister Imaegnil Tyrsorfin

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The unbelievably eccentric, yet wise, Imaegnil Tyrsorfin, he is a wandering mage who grants power and knowledge very rarely. The only person so far who's accepted his tutorship has been Morolanel Korathnir, for they both have a shared history as survivors of the blast Verk did at the end of his reign.


Early Life

Ever since he was a child, he showed immense magical power, yet simply working on these talents was never enough - he needed to invent things, breaking any and all rules of Varisian theory just to prove a point, as he was brought up in a college within the nation in immense comfort. His thesis was on Invisibility and Illusion magic, yet no one was ever able to find it - he passed with flying colours despite this. Though, he plateaued within the college, and left to simply explore the world, finding a like minded elf of far less talent to take under his wing.

As time went on the two learned, they found that nothing lasts forever. Both of them despised Verk, yet the sudden rebellion was too fast to let their current lives as magicians for hire stay, and they both lost what they had, doubly ruined by Verk's grave response, as they wandered Chronus. Morolanel went into a cave just to study the art of creation, but Imaegnil wandered and journied across the lands, scrying and telepathically communicating with Morolanel as a distant mentor. He still wanders to this day, and some say you can find him if you think of his name while holding a hand over your heart.

Notable Exploits

He managed to reverse the roles, draining a succubus of their life essence instead of being drained himself.

He beat an evil wizard to death with his own apprentice via telekinesis.

He has managed to evade his mother-in-law and wife - who both miraculously survived as well - for over a hundred years using only illusion spells whenever she visits to feign himself as being home.

He befriended a tornado which even now is one of his greatest allies.

He drained an entire pool of water into a single waterskin so that a group of travelling mercenaries could survive.

He tricked an entire community of Fae - without magic.

Never lost at a game of "Magic Missile Ping-Pong", always returning from the astral plane.

Managed to send back and make a wizard open a letter filled with explosive runes that they themselves created and sent to Imaegnil.


Imaegnil is covered head-to-toe in magical items of great power, with a beautiful flowing robe and cloak being the most eye-catching of all. Blues, whites, reds, and gold fuses into a glorious and gaudy wizard's attire, capped off with a lengthy Staff of Immense Power. (called that, as he made the staff based on a staff of power, but, quote, "Just Better")

His hair goes down to his pelvis, a lengthy light blonde, and his eyes are piercing green bulbs.


Sir Tyrsorfin is rather light hearted, his arcane power leading to him view everything up to and including mortal danger as not a massive worry. Despite this, he has a solid heart, and cares for others unlike so many other wizards before him. However, above all, he's extremely weird. The Archmagister's sense of humour is rather odd, and his teaching methods odder. In addition, he has so many little eccentricities that it would be impossible to list them all, but let it be known he is a living stereotype of wizards all over Chronus.

Imaegnil, when he gives commands to those under his patronage, tends to go for extremely out of the way and obtuse lessons via bizarre actions, such as forcing a wizard who is about to be charged into by a bull to cast grease below his own feet in order to slide under. If there is no danger, he also tends to try and cause the most comedic usage of magic to be performed in the moment - whatever he finds funny at the time. However, with danger, he's a frighteningly clever caster, and instructs his students much the same, informing them of incredibly niche and strange tactics for commonly lower power spells in order to solve a situation.


He is a powerful Arcanist who performs the most powerful of magics as easily as cantrips, and is a master artisan who can forge even artefacts if given the materials.

In addition, he always knows if an explosive rune spell is nearby, regardless of how much lead or stone is between him and the rune. Probably why he's survived so long.

Getting Archmagister Imaegnil Tyrsorfin As A Mythic Patron

Getting him as a patron if you do not know him for a long time, a long time for an elf, is a truly enormous task, yet it seems simple: impress him. Ingenuity, creativity, and raw shock factor are what gets his attention, for raw power lost its luster when he first learned of the Wish spell imbued with mythic power. But if you are able to surprise him and impress him, he can afford a telepathic connection to teach you, granting you immense power through immense study and practical training.