Sabrael - The Sudden Storm

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Sabrael manifests as a large white owl with radiant blue runes covering his body. His radiant eyes can often be seen in the storms he conjures with his powerful wings.


Domains Chaos, Good, Weather, Magic

Subdomains Azata (Chaos), Azata (Good), Storms, Rites, Arcane

Favored Weapon


Worshipers and Minions

Witches and Inquisitors, Sabrael rarely accepts paladins and clerics to his domain.


Large white and blue owl

Deific Obedience


Witness the power of a storm. If no storm is available to see, then meditate, pray or dance for an hour in a natural location, thinking of the powers of a storm. You gain a +1 to the DC of any storm or lightning effect you create.

Boons - Celestial Obedience

Mystery Cultist

Source: Homebrew

1: Killer's Finesse (Sp) true strike 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or keen edge 1/day

2: On Swift Wind (Ex) You gain an innate understanding of the flow of winds. While inside of a storm or inclimate weather, you double both your fly speed and your land speed.

3: Hunter's Mark (Ex) You gain sneak attack +3d6. This increase to sneak attack damage stacks with sneak attack damage you may have from other sources. Whenever you inflict sneak attack damage with a slashing weapon, you inflict +2 points of damage per sneak attack die.

The Church

The Church of Sabrael consists of witches, inquisitors hunters and rogues. It is rare that a paladin would arise to champion his cause, mostly due to him rejecting such a bold approach to things. Often times, were his church to gather, no more than three or four would do so in his name, and never without good reason.

Temples and Shrines

Sabrael has no known temples at this time. His shrines can be found scattered across the world in places where storms have devastated the land.

A Priest's Role

A priest of Sabrael of deals with much subterfuge and guile, as many of the church are as equally cunning. A priest serves as a method of contacting other church members due to how small the following is. Witches who take charge of his covens are always considered his priests, and even may be granted special powers to help locate others of his church.


Adventureres who follow Sabrael find themselves empowered durring the storms. Among his other gifts, Sabrael allows for those doing his work to quickly and efficiently strike their target before escaping.


Sabrael himself has no need for clothes, given his avian anatomy, however his followers often only wear simple garbs that flow in the wing.

Holy Text

Sabrael has no holy text as written by him, allowing those who follow him to rely on instinct and divine whisperings to stay true to him.