Soul-taker Hound

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Two dull red lights sway in the mist before a snout, followed by the shaggy black coat of a great dog, emerges. The sense of dread is palpable, radiating off the creature as it eyes its prey with a sinister cunning.

In an instant it raises its head to the sky and releases a piercing howl, the death knell of many an unfortunate traveller in these accursed lands. More lights join it from the mists and the beast begins to charge.

Soul-taker Hound, Lesser (2 - 5)

NE Medium Magical Beast

Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 23, touch 19; flat-footed 19 (+5, armour, +3 dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural)

hp 91 (7d10+21)

Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2

DR DR 5/gold, platinum and silver, misfortune Immune Undead traits


Speed 50 ft

Melee 1 bite +13 (1d8+7 plus trip, plus 3 bleed) or 1 bite with power attack +11 (1d8+13 plus trip, plus 3 bleed)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks baleful howl, trip


Casting Tradition None; Boons None; CAM Cha

CL 3 (7 with Fate Sphere); MSB +7; MSD 18;

Spell Points 11

Magic Talents

  • Fate Sphere:
    • Talents:
      • Curse (word), Harm (word) [curse], Pain (word) [curse], Greater Serendipity, Subvert Weapon (word) [curse]


Martial Tradition Predator; PAM Cha

Martial Talents

  • Equipment Sphere:
    • Talents:
      • Unarmoured Training
  • Berserker Sphere
  • Duelist Sphere (with Bloody Slasher):
    • Talents:
      • Focusing Bloodshed, Long Cuts, Ooze Ichor


Str 20, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 19

Base Atk +7; CMB +12 (+4 trip); CMD 26 (+6 vs. trip)

Feats Dodge, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)

Skills Intimidate +11, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +10, Stealth +13, Survival +10

Languages Common, Necril

SQ ill-fated, lifesense, scent


Baleful Howl (Su)

As a standard action, the soul-taker hound can release a howl of ill omen. All enemies within 60 ft. take a -4 penalty to saves against curse and death effects and against the soul-taker hound's combat sphere abilities, as well as a -4 penalty to AC. These penalties last for 5 rounds. These penalties are reduced to -1 and last only a single round with a successful Will save (DC 17). This is a sonic curse effect.

In addition, the soul-taker hound may activate serendipity as part of the same action with a duration of 1 round per caster level by expending 2 spell points. The effects of serendipity do not begin until the end the turn on which it was activated.

Consume Soul (Su)

When a soul-taker hound reduces a creature to 0 hit points or lower with its bite attack, the creature must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or die and have its soul consumed by the soul-taker hound. A creature killed outright by the soul-taker hound’s attack also has its soul consumed by the soul-taker hound with no save. When the soul-taker hound consumes a soul in this manner, it gains 5 temporary hit points and a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, and the creature cannot be returned to life by any effect short of miracle or wish, nor can their body be raised as undead.

A standard soul is consumed fully after a period of days equal to the creature's character level, or half their hit die if they did not possess any. The souls of mythic creatures are harder to digest, taking an additional 5 days per mythic tier the creature possessed. Fully consuming the soul of mythic creature of higher mythic rank than them immediately bestows the soul-taker hound with mythic trials equal to the mythic tier or rank that creature possessed.

Soul-taker hounds cannot digest a sparked soul, though it does not stop them from trying. For 24 hours the soul-taker hound will believe itself satiated, though they receive no boon or sustenance for that period. The Sparked soul then harmlessly escapes.

Ill-Fated, Lesser (Su)

The soul-taker hound reduces the final result of an opponent's AC, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, damage reduction, hardness, saves and save DCs by its Charisma bonus for actions taken against it or against an opponent. In the case of DR and Hardness, this may result in a negative value, increasing the soul-taker hound's damage by that amount.

In addition, if a soul-taker hound successfully strikes a target suffering from the effects of baleful howl, it may also apply one [curse] word talent that it knows that creature at no spell point cost. If the effect would require it to expend a spell point as part of a secondary effect the soul-taker hound must still do so.

Lifesense (Su)

A soul-taker hound can constantly see the state of living creatures within 60 feet. This functions as the lifesense option of the Advanced Alternate Divinations advanced Divination talent.

Misfortune, Lesser (Su)

The soul-taker hound cannot critically confirm with its bite attack. Instead, if a creature is suffering from a negative effect of the Fate sphere its bite attack deals 2x damage.

While the soul-taker hound would deal 2x to a creature it gains a 20% miss chance against them.

Necrotised (Ex)

Exposure to necrotic energies has altered the physiology of these creatures, granting them the immunities common to undead creatures. In addition to this they are also healed by negative energy damage and are immune to healing or damage via positive energy.

Soul-taker Hound (6 - 10)

NE Large Magical Beast

Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; Perception +19


AC 30, touch 22; flat-footed 26 (+8, armour, +4 dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, -1 size)

hp 224 (16d10+64)

Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +10

DR DR 10/gold, platinum and silver, misfortune Immune Undead traits


Speed 50 ft

Melee 1 bite +23 (2d6+9 plus trip, plus 6 bleed) or 1 bite with power attack +18 (2d6+24 plus trip, plus 6 bleed)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks baleful howl, trip


Casting Tradition None; Boons None; CAM Cha

CL 8 (16 with Fate Sphere); MSB +16; MSD 27;

Spell Points 21

Magic Talents

  • Fate Sphere:
    • Talents:
      • Curse (word) [curse], Enmity (word) [curse], Harm (word) [curse], Pain (word) [curse], Greater Serendipity, Subvert Weapon (word) [curse]


Martial Tradition Predator; PAM Cha

Martial Talents

  • Equipment Sphere:
    • Talents:
      • Unarmoured Training
  • Berserker Sphere:
    • Talents:
      • Beat Down, Bone-Breaker (exertion)
  • Duelist Sphere (with Bloody Slasher):
    • Talents:
      • Bloodied Shark’s Frenzy, Essence Manipulation, Focusing Bloodshed, Long Cuts, Ooze Ichor


Str 22, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 21

Base Atk +16; CMB +23 (+4 trip); CMD 46 (+6 vs. trip)

Feats Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Greater Trip, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Trip, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)

Skills Intimidate +21, Knowledge (religion) +19, Perception +19, Stealth +23, Survival +16

Languages Common, Necril

SQ ill-fated, lifesense, scent


Baleful Howl (Su)

As a standard action, the soul-taker hound can release a howl of ill omen. All enemies within 60 ft. take a -4 penalty to saves against curse and death effects and against the soul-taker hound's combat sphere abilities, as well as a -4 penalty to AC. These penalties last for 5 rounds. These penalties are reduced to -1 and last only a single round with a successful Will save (DC 23). This is a sonic curse effect.

In addition, the soul-taker hound may activate serendipity as part of the same action with a duration of 1 round per caster level by expending 2 spell points. The effects of serendipity do not begin until the end the turn on which it was activated.

Consume Soul (Su)

When a soul-taker hound reduces a creature to 0 hit points or lower with its bite attack, the creature must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or die and have its soul consumed by the soul-taker hound. A creature killed outright by the soul-taker hound’s attack also has its soul consumed by the soul-taker hound with no save. When the soul-taker hound consumes a soul in this manner, it gains 5 temporary hit points and a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, and the creature cannot be returned to life by any effect short of miracle or wish, nor can their body be raised as undead.

A standard soul is consumed fully after a period of days equal to the creature's character level, or half their hit die if they did not possess any. The souls of mythic creatures are harder to digest, taking an additional 5 days per mythic tier the creature possessed. Fully consuming the soul of mythic creature of higher mythic rank than them immediately bestows the soul-taker hound with mythic trials equal to the mythic tier or rank that creature possessed.

Soul-taker hounds cannot digest a sparked soul, though it does not stop them from trying. For 24 hours the soul-taker hound will believe itself satiated, though they receive no boon or sustenance for that period. The Sparked soul then harmlessly escapes.

Ill-Fated (Su)

The soul-taker hound reduces the final result of an opponent's AC, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, damage reduction, hardness, saves and save DCs by its Charisma bonus for actions taken against it or against an opponent. In the case of DR and Hardness, this may result in a negative value, increasing the soul-taker hound's damage by that amount.

In addition, if a soul-taker hound successfully strikes a target suffering from the effects of baleful howl, it may also apply one [curse] word talent that it knows that creature at no spell point cost. If the effect would require it to expend a spell point as part of a secondary effect the soul-taker hound must still do so.

Lifesense (Su)

A soul-taker hound can constantly see the state of living creatures within 60 feet. This functions as the lifesense option of the Advanced Alternate Divinations advanced Divination talent.

Misfortune (Su)

The soul-taker hound cannot critically confirm with its bite attack. Instead, if a creature is suffering from a negative effect of the Fate sphere its bite attack deals 2x damage. This multiplier increases by 1 if the creature is suffering from more negative effects of the Fate sphere than positive ones.

While the soul-taker hound would deal 2x or 3x damage to a creature it gains a 20% miss chance against them.

Necrotised (Ex)

Exposure to necrotic energies has altered the physiology of these creatures, granting them the immunities common to undead creatures. In addition to this they are also healed by negative energy damage and are immune to healing or damage via positive energy.

Miscellaneous Information


Environment Old Scarlet, Wasted Lands

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–8)

Treasure none


These beasts rely first on stealth to close a reasonable distance, after which they open with their baleful how, activating serendipity for a bonus to attack and its oft-overlooked debilitation via greater serendipity. Whether their opponent successfully saves or not they will want to make the most of their window to apply further curses from the fate sphere via ill-fated without the use of power attack. Achieving this should keep them safely in their optimal state, dealing 3x damage as opposed to their otherwise weak strikes.

In groups they apply the standard wolf-pack style tactics, surrounding a foe and trying to unbalance them both by tripping and berserker sphere debilitation.

Hungry hounds without a soul to sup on will act more reckless and aggressive, activating Bloodied Shark's Frenzy at the earliest opportunity and power attacking relentlessly.

'Hidden' Statistics

Because of the unique way in which this creature works, some of its numbers might not be obvious at a glance. This section should give a simple overview of these more 'hidden' bonuses.

For pretty much all intents and purposes Ill-Fated (su) is fancy way of adding charisma to the listed stats if you want an easier and quicker way to do the maths. Don't miss out on the shock value of telling your players they're rolling lower and have lower stats though, even if you just do it at first! Since creatures don't tend to have hardness, this also means the hounds deal more damage by default and those without at least DR of any kind equal to the hound's charisma modifier will also take the difference in extra damage. This will boost their otherwise mediocre damage values, especially if they're able to make use of Misfortune (su) to add a multiplier.


To vary up a pack of soul-taker hounds consider trading some curses for others from the Fate sphere. Giving a couple some different (exertion) talents or even a (bleed) talent in place of Bone-Breaker could also help, but try not to be too varied so as not to unduly overwhelm players. Bless might also be a good substitution for the Curse talent for allowing some hounds to help out their allies. Remember, their fortune is their enemies' misfortune!

It also wouldn't be outlandish to use Ghost Strike and associated talents in place of curses, changing some of the wording on Ill-Fated (su) and Misfortune (su) to work with them as opposed to curses.

For more powerful hounds you can give some of them mythic ranks and abilities. This is especially more likely if they're being boosted for the 11 - 15 level range. Try to avoid giving them Mythic Vital Strike or the improved version as this would make their damage excessive. Instead simply boost the multiplier from Misfortune (su).


The exact origin of the soul-taker hound is difficult to pin down, but many believe that when the land of Old Scarlet became yet further corrupted following the collapse of the original Scarlet Kingdom that it debased the sizeable population of cù-sìth that had been seeking to lay many an undead citizen to rest.

Whatever the case soul-taker hounds roam the Wasted Lands between the counties of Old Scarlet, preying on the living or otherwise ensouled. In early life their hunger is more mundane, satisfied by flesh. At this stage they have no issue consuming it either fresh or rotting, picking clean what carrion they can find. However, as they age what little soul-energy they were born with dwindles to nothing in the face of an ever growing emptiness, leading them to seek out the ensouled to fill that gap.

These fully matured soul-taker hounds can survive indefinitely without consuming a soul but grow more ravenous if without one for an extended period.

For unknown reasons these creatures also possess a severe aversion to the metals used in coinage; platinum, gold and silver. This extends further to the coins themselves, so much so that they will refuse to cross a space scattered with them. This fear, while certainly something to be taken advantage of, will not drive away a pack or a particularly ravenous one.

Soul-taker hounds cannot speak but do understand common and necril. Interestingly they can be taught how to speak and understand the language of Worgs.