NPC Template

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Start by filling out a general description of the character here, giving a feel for what they're about and being generally vague about their history. Then transition generally into how they are now as a sort of contrast along with some of their achievements/things they might be known for (this can be expanded as times goes on).

You can also include general information about what they get up to, where they might be found and then round off ready for the sections below.

To there right there's the infobox for your character. I've filled out each field so you can see what it looks like but any one you leave blank just won't appear at all. You'll need to upload your own image to the wiki before you can link it in there as well.

By default there will be a contents just under this.


Early Life

Even if there's not too much to speak of, try to give some ideas as to their upbringing or what they've been doing prior to being used on content for the first time. As with any section, rename as you see fit. Perhaps you might need another section with its own title if there's a lot to say.

Adventuring days

Now its time to fill out what your character has been up to, if they are the adventuring type. This could be replaced accordingly if they are exclusively a Chef who went to Academy days, or otherwise. This will expand into many sections (hopefully) as time progresses and you get some various plot points recorded under the character's belt. Come up with a better title than I have here for this and future subsections.


Give a nice description of the character's appearance and choice of clothes in whatever situations you think are appropriate. You can also go over how this has changed over time with reference to their experiences.

You can talk about their equipment as well, or leave that for later in the abilities section. Up to you.


What they're like, their outlook on life and how they come across to others. In time this will also fill out with how their personality has changed over time.


Provide an idea of their known competencies, skills, powers and abilities.

That's pretty much all the main bits and pieces I an think of, but feel free to add, remove or alter any you don't like!

Character Interactions

  • Insert Major Character Interactions here*