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Token of a particularly wacky man.


Colorspawn are rare and unique creatures, fey that are said to spawn into existence in the material plane from a great attachment between an artist and their work, although many believe this to be fiction. The true reason why Colorspawn are brought forth is unknown, not helped by the fact most Colorspawn do not have a childhood, simply waking up one day, fully formed and confused; perhaps each pops into existence when the stars align over a particularly bright bucket of paint, or when a wild magic burst strikes a gorgeous work of art. Regardless of their origins, Colorspawn all look like a person who had a tussle with a paint elemental, skin being vibrantly colored, often in splotches of any color of the rainbow and then some, and hair being much the same. Brimming with a youthful exuberance no matter their age, enthusiasm for life, the curiosity of a Sylph, and the wanderlust of a Gnome, Colorspawn are all drawn to travel, wishing to experience all there is to experience and try all there is to try.

Physical Description

No two Colorspawn are alike, some have explosive personalities and vibrant, bright colors, while others have duller washed-out tones and a low-key attitude toward life. They all also seem to have some sort of motif, with some having colors that look to be painted with oil, and some seeming like charcoal or even crayon. Regardless, Colorspawn will almost always stand out in a crowd, much to most of their enjoyment.

Random Colorspawn Starting Ages

Adulthood Intuitive(1) Self Taught(2) Trained(3)
18 +1d4 years

(19-22 years)

+1d6 years

(19-24 years)

+2d6 years

(17-27 years)

1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.

2 This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches.

3 This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, and wizards.

Table: Random Height and Weight

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5 ft 6 in Medium

3 ft 4 in Small

+2d10 in. Medium

(5 ft. 8 in. – 7 ft. 2 in.)

+2d4 in. Small

(3 ft. 6 in. – 4 ft. 0 in.)

120 lbs. Medium

55 lbs. Small

+(2d10×5 lbs.) Medium

(130 – 220 lbs.)

+(2d6×2 lbs.) Small

(59 - 79 lbs.)

Female 5 ft 6 in Medium

3 ft 4 in Small

+2d10 in. Medium

(5 ft. 8 in. – 7 ft. 2 in.)

+1d8 in. Small

(3 ft. 5in. – 4 ft. 0 in.)

120 lbs. Medium

55 lbs. Small

+(2d10×5 lbs.) Medium

(130 – 220 lbs.)

+(1d12×2 lbs.) Small

(57 - 79 lbs.)


Colorspawn don't often meet another of their race, but when they do, they often become permanent partners in some form, truly understanding each other like few other races would. There are no known Colorspawn-centric anythings, leaving some particular few to feel left out, although to many it really makes no difference, as they would never settle in the first place. Those that do wish to join a settlement or permanent group of people tend to join cabals of gnomes, who they feel slightly kindred to in their everlasting need to travel.


Colorspawn have not existed in numbers large enough for any groups to form an opinion of them as a whole, not helped by their rarity and how few people know of them in the first place. The few that have met enough Colorspawn to make comparisons however, would recognize them as impatient and flighty creatures, but not notably untrustworthy or evil in nature.

Alignment and Religion

Nearly all Colorspawn are chaotic, and those that aren't are almost always neutral, as their inherent nature does not lend well to a strict ruleset. Most Colorspawn are also good, although there are also many neutral Colorspawn, as some find it difficult to be wholly good while not restricting themselves. Colorspawn's curiosity usually leads them to worship Desna (for her association with travel and dreams), Ng (who understands their roaming nature), or gods that emphasize nature, magic, freedom, and beauty, such as Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Gozreh, Nethys, or Shelyn

Racial Traits (20 RP)

All Colorspawn gain the following racial traits:

Name Effect Cost
Type: Fey Colorspawn are Fey. 2
Size: Medium or Small Colorspawn can either be Medium-sized creatures or Small-sized creatures (with normal bonuses and penalties typical of this size). Size is chosen at character creation and does not change. 0
Base Speed Colorspawn have a base movement speed of 40 feet. 0
Ability Scores Colorspawn gain -2 Str, +4 Int, -2 Wis, and +2 Cha, Intelligent and Bombastic, but frail and naive. 2
Language Colorspawn begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Colorspawn with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Aklo, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Celestial. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. 0
Advanced Charisma Colorspawn's personalities are always interesting, there are few who could not be caught in a conversation with a colorspawn for hours. Colorspawn gain a +2 racial bonus to Charisma (included above). 4
Fey Damage Resistance Colorspawn have DR 5/cold iron. 3
Change Shape (Su) A colorspawn can assume the appearance of a single form of a single humanoid race of her size. The form is static and cannot be changed each time she takes this form. The colorspawn gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the race whose appearance she assumes. Changing her shape is a standard action. This trait otherwise functions as a standard racial alter self spell-like ability, save that the colorspawn does not adjust its ability scores. 3
Nereid Fascination (Su) Once per day, a colorspawn can create a 20-foot-radius burst that causes humanoids within the aura's range to become fascinated with the colorspawn (as the bard's fascinate bardic performance). Affected humanoids may resist this effect by making a successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the colorspawn's character level + the colorspawn's Intelligence modifier). 3
Fast Colorspawn gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed (included above). 1
Low-Light Vision Colorspawn can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light. 0
Darkvision (60) Colorspawn can see in the dark up to 60 feet. 2

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.

  • Alchemist: Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.
  • Arcanist: Add 1/6 to the number of points the arcanist gains in her arcane reservoir each day.
  • Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to the barbarian’s trap sense.
  • Bard: Add +1 to the bard’s total number of bardic performance rounds per day.
  • Bloodrager: Add 1/4 to the bloodrager’s effective class level when determining the power of her bloodrager bloodline powers.
  • Brawler: Increase the number of times per day the brawler can use martial flexibility by 1/4.
  • Cavalier: Add +1 to the cavalier’s mounted base speed. In combat this has no effect unless the cavalier has selected this reward five times (or another increment of five). If the cavalier ever replaces his mount, the new mount gains this bonus to its speed.
  • Cleric: Add +1/2 to the cleric’s channeled energy total when healing creatures of the animal, fey, and plant types.
  • Druid: The druid gains energy resistance 1 against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Each time the druid selects this reward, increase her resistance to one of these energy types by +1 (maximum 10 for any one type).
  • Druid: The druid’s animal companion gains 1/4 point of DR/cold iron (maximum DR 5/cold iron). If the druid replaces her companion, the new companion gains this DR.
  • Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s CMD when resisting a dirty trick or steal attempt.
  • Gunslinger: The gunslinger reduces the amount of time needed to restore a broken firearm using the Gunsmithing feat by 5 minutes (maximum reduction of 50 minutes).
  • Hunter: Add DR 1/magic to the hunter’s animal companion. Each time the hunter gains another level, the DR increases by 1/2 (maximum DR 10/magic). If the hunter replaces her animal companion, the new companion gains this damage reduction.
  • Inquisitor: Add a +1 bonus on concentration checks when casting inquisitor spells.
  • Investigator: Add one extract formula from the investigator’s list to his formula book. This formula must be at least 1 formula level below the highest level the investigator can create.
  • Kineticist: Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against creatures with the elemental subtype matching the kineticist’s primary element.
  • Kineticist: Add a +1/6 bonus on combat maneuver checks attempted as part of a substance infusion.
  • Magus: Add one of the following weapon special abilities to the list of weapon special abilities the magus may add to his weapon using his arcane pool: defending, ghost touch, merciful, mighty cleaving, vicious; allying, conductive, corrosive, corrosive burst, menacing. Once an ability has been selected with this reward, it cannot be changed.
  • Magus: Add 1/2 of an illusion spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list that isn’t on the magus spell list to the magus’s spellbook. The magus treats this spell as if it were on the magus spell list at the same level as on the sorcerer/wizard list. This spell must be at least 1 level below the highest spell level the magus can cast.
  • Medium: Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against spirits, undead, phantoms, and creatures native to the Astral Plane.
  • Mesmerist: Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3.
  • Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s Acrobatics check bonus gained by spending a point from his ki pool. A monk must be at least 5th level to select this benefit.
  • Occultist: Increase the duration of the occultist’s minor figment by 1 minute, and increase the total concealment miss chance from the occultist’s distortion resonant power by 2%. This doesn’t increase the maximum miss chance.
  • Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
  • Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin’s lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
  • Psychic: Increase the total number of points in the psychic’s phrenic pool by 1/3 point.
  • Rogue: Add +1 to the number of times per day the rogue can cast a cantrip or 1st-level spell gained from the minor magic or major magic talent. The number of times this bonus is selected for the major magic talent cannot exceed the number of times it is selected for the minor magic talent. The rogue must possess the associated rogue talent to select these options.
  • Shaman: Add 5 feet to the range of a chosen shaman hex. Multiple bonuses from this ability can apply to the same hex, to a maximum of an additional 30 feet for any single hex.
  • Skald: Increase the bonus granted by the well-versed class feature by 1/4 (maximum +8).
  • Slayer: Increase the studied target bonus on Perception and Survival checks by 1/4. When the slayer gains the stalker class feature, he also gains this increase to the studied target bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer’s Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.
  • Spiritualist: Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted to the spiritualist while under the effects of either spiritual interference or greater spiritual interference.
  • Summoner: Add +1 hit point to the summoner’s eidolon.
  • Swashbuckler: Increase the number of times per day the swashbuckler can use charmed life by 1/4.
  • Vigilante: Gain +1/2 on Bluff checks when attempting to tell a lie that would be true from the point of view of the vigilante’s current identity.
  • Warpriest: Add 1/2 to the result of the warpriest’s channeled energy when healing creatures of the animal, fey, and plant types.
  • Witch: The witch gains 1/6 of a new witch hex.
  • Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard’s Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.