Babelic Munavri

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Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
17 Years old +1d6 years

(18-23 years)

+1d8 years

(18-25 years)

+2d8 years

(19-33 years)

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5'6" + 2d10 Inches (5'8"-7'2") 130 Lbs. +(2d10×5 lbs.)

(140 – 230 lbs.)

Female 5'6" + 2d10 Inches (5'8"-7'2") 130 Lbs. +(2d10×5 lbs.)

(140 – 230 lbs.)

Physical Description

Slender and lofty albino humanoids, most munavri could be easily mistaken for a normal human with albinism from only external examination- due in no small part to the fact that they are the descendants of humans exiled to the darklands untold generations ago. These natives to the darklands beneath Babel are known to be taller and lankier on average than their surface-dwelling ancestors, but not often to such a degree as to betray their nature. Compared to munavri elsewhere in the world the babelic subspecies are not quite as physically fit nor as magically potent, suggested by some scholars to be the result of more frequent interbreeding with common human stock.


Like their counterparts elsewhere in the darklands, babelic munavri devote much of their time to constant war against the urdefhan, alghollthus, and other horrific beasts of the darklands. They often form temporary alliances with the other dwellers of the dark, but their frequently zealous and morally inflexible nature makes most of such alignments tense and short-lived agreements of circumstance rather than true friendships. Munavri rarely interact with surface-folk, but treat them with cordiality when they find themselves in the horrors of the darklands.

Alignment and Religion

The majority of munavri are good-aligned, having a society which emphasizes altruism and zealous war against evil. There are, of course, those who betray this cause for one reason or another, such as being raised by other cultures or disillusioned by the horrors of the darklands. Most munavri worship the empyreal lords, especially the azatas. Due to their longstanding war with the urdefhan they hold daemons and their lords in greater disdain than any other fiendish creatures.


As worshipers of the Chaotic Good Azata it is not uncommon for young and prideful munavri to run off in search of evil to slay- however, due to their discomfort in bright lights and the relative rarity of their race overall such adventurers are still an oddity to see on the surface. They are partial to martial and divine classes, and many babelic munavri hone martial and magical techniques alike.

Babelic Munavri Racial Traits (18 RP)

Ability Score Modifiers (4 RP): Other than their universally noted quick reflexes, babelic munavri maintain much of the flexibility of their human ancestors. +2 dex, +2 any stat other than Dex. (Human Heritage + Advanced Dexterity)

Type (0 RP): Munavri are humanoids with the human subtype. Munavri are treated as humans for the purpose of prerequisites and type-based effects (such as a ranger's favored enemy)

Size (0 RP): Munavri are Medium creatures.

Base Speed (0 RP): Munavri have a base speed of 30ft

Languages (0 RP): Munavris begin play speaking Munavri. Munavris with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Aboleth, Aquan, Dark Folk, Draconic, Terran, and Undercommon.

Darkvision (3 RP): Munavris have darkvision 120 feet.

Spell Resistance (3 RP): A munavri possesses an amount of spell resistance that’s equal to 11 + their total number of class levels.

Spell-Like Ability (4 RP): A munavri can cast object reading at will (the caster level is equal to her character level).

Light Blindness (-2 RP): Munavris have the light blindness universal monster ability.

Telepathy (1 RP): A munavri is able to mentally communicate with other munavris within 60 feet- Babelic munavri and normal munavri are able to use this ability to communicate with one another. This ability confers no ability to communicate with non-munavri of any kind.

Advanced Object Reading (5 RP) A munavri can instantly learn how to use almost any device. Once per day, she can select one weapon, suit of armor, or spell trigger item on which she has cast object reading. For a number of minutes equal to her character level, she is considered proficient with that item or can make use of the spell trigger device as if she were a spellcaster of the appropriate class.

Favored Class Bonuses

  • Use Human FCBs