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A relatively non-materialistic fishermen, from the lands of the Setlaar, bestowing pearls of wisdom upon travelers, as he continues his endless enlightenment as he fishes upon the seas of the continents and islands generally under the Setlaar's purview, but occasionally coming upon the shores of Siacros and Etera.


Hailing from the third known island within the collection of Anpil Peyi, Jin-Soo grew up alongside his sharkfolk family, as well as several other families consisting of the Moun, Sharkfolk, Merfolk, and other local varieties. Far from the capital Lanmè Bijou, much of his childhood was in a rural fishing village, with occasional trade in pearls, or other sea-oriented goods.

After he became about twelve, a few pirates said to be from the Thunderdrinkers, had stopped by for drinks at the village's tavern/inn, and shared tales of the outer sea, while drunkenly singing shanties. Engrossed in the stories, Jin-Soo heard of the great serpents, krakens, and most importantly, the Lusca, among the harrowing adventures. Invigorated by them, Jin-Soo awakened the desire many sharkfolk get, to explore the outer seas, and see what the world has to offer them. His interest being more in foes for a 'Fisherman' than an Adventurer, Pirate, or otherwise.

As he grew older, the boy was able to go out further and further into the sea on the fishing voyages with his fellow villagers, until the day came for him to set out. Proud that their son wanted to become more, despite the worry in their hearts, Min-sun and Jhin wished him farewell on his journey, even if it was not on a ship on his lonesome. Thankfully, one of the rare merchant ships was willing to take him on board as temporary crew, toward the Silent City, known at the time for being less... attached to Setlaar ways, as the other members, given they were not part of the initial forming.

While living the next few years in Silent City, Jin-Soo certainly got his fair share of adventures. And it is here, where he caught the attention of the Diety Gozreh, and received a direct blessing, in addition to being guided to the artifact that has been his companion to this day, within the underwater ruins. Regrettably, he missed out on assisting the Eterans that later came to help Silent City. However, with his years of experience in fishing and assisting others within the Sea, Jin-Soo took on a more calm, nomadic lifestyle, while remembering to visit home periodically.

While wandering, fishing, and trading his findings, many who encountered him found themselves better off than before. It is said simply sighting him, could be considered good luck from Gozreh for any sailor or fisherman, allowing them to come home safe. Whether this is true, is unknown, but much like how thanking the gods works, it is based in belief beyond hard facts.

Now, after a more recent fishing competition, and the uncanny similarity between the lesser rods given out to various adventurers and Eteran citizenry, stories of Jin-Soo's adventures have been circulating more and more in Etera, boosting his fame there by proxy. Perhaps the Eterans can learn from the peace he has found in his heart, or the unbreaking yet flexible will of a Fisherman, that he has.


Generally peaceable at heart, Jin-Soo has his mood go with the flow, much like that of a river. Mild and soothing when left to a natural course, overwhelming and powerful when blocked from that which comes naturally to him, such as the fish he hunts. Friendly enough when approached with at least a minimum of respect could be given to a stranger, Jin-Soo is often known to answer questions posed to him, assuming he knows the answer. However, the answer you get isn't always what you want, even if it can be the one you needed. When he isn't fishing, he is seen simply floating on his back, feeling the river, so as to restore tranquility to the sea life below him with the Aura around him.


As the most... famed... for using this particular gear, and its most publically recognized wielder, his abilities stem around using his Fishing Gear. Blessed by Gozreh themselves, Jin-soo's version contains a few more special bits than the listed information, as the original artifact.

Unlike the others, it is said his IS able to be a Legendary Gear, and contains enough mythic power bestowed upon him by Gozreh, that he could fish with the best of them, despite his lack of experience in killing monsters, people, or otherwise, like those Adventurers.

Much of this involves swapping his weapon between a fishing spear that he can swing in whirling motions, using a net as an improved shield/bolas, as well as a Rod that can mimic much of the abilities of a lethal whip. The exact extent of variability is unknown, as these notes have only been seen while he fished, and hasn't yet been witnessed as to their application in combat.

Another ability would be his passive Aura of Tranquility, which can reduce aggression in the area, and make individuals more likely to fight with words than violence. This also comes with the side benefit of making it easier to catch fish who may have become guarded against others less experienced than himself.