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Tortomimi live in secluded barren lands, mostly deserts, but can live in mountains or underground caves. They are a branch stemming from earth or water dragons, but some are descendants of black dragons too. They have grown good relationships with their dragon cousins, though may squabble for territory if they live too close. They are primarily pacifists, so rarely can fight as martials, and excel as wizards or clerics and can occasionally become monks and are more defensively focused.

Physical description: Tortomimi are born from eggs, and begin as small and grow each age category to a maximum size of colossal, though there are exceptions both ways. Though capable of standing upon their hind legs for short periods of time, any extended time upright requires support such as a walking staff. While upright, their hands are clumsy but still dextrous enough to hold and manipulate items as well perform somatic gestures. While most tortomimi find the use of weapons challenging, their beak is strong and sharp, easily capable of crushing chitin and bone alike. Their shells are typically studded with irregular growths that function as a defensive tool, but the shape of the growths leaves them vulnerable to grappling. Some tortomimi develop the strength of their tails sufficiently enough to be used as a weapon as well.

Society: Tortomimi are typically hermits, though they do congregate during their adolescence. They have a strong bond to both their and the draconic races, and will talk for days about anything with each other before going on their way again.

Relations: Tortomimi do not usually interact with other races, except dragons, or other secluded races found in mountainous, desert, or plains regions

Alignment and Religion: Though generally neutral, they can be good or lawful, but rarely chaotic or evil unless influenced by an outside source

Racial Traits: Spheres of Origin:

Generation Tradition: Hidden Domain Citizen Size: Small; Type: magical beast Speed: 20 feet; Limbs: 4 legs (somatic components and item manipulation possible) Languages: common, terran Cosmetic elements: shell Stats: +2 con, +2 wis, -2 dex

Potent Talents Form: Extra Legs

Auxiliary Talents Form: Convenient Appendage Form: Natural Attack (bite) Form: Steady Trek Form: Thick-Skinned x2 Essence: Disciplined Magic

Utility Talents Form: Harsh Survivor


Form: Quadruped Form: Burdensome Defenses Form: Grippable Growths

Generation Traits: Drawbacks: Slow Maturation x2 (very slow) Boons: Long Lived Tight Knit (Dragon)

Subraces: Tortogaeas: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex

Tortundine: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con

Noctorto: +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex

Alternate Racial Traits: Disciplined Magic: Damage Reduction

Grippable Growths: Multitalented [auxiliary]

Disciplined Magic: Weapon Of Choice [auxiliary]

Disciplined Magic, Natural Attack, Harsh Survivor: bonus feat

Favoured Class Bonus: You may choose Kobold, Oread, or Dwarf options. Once chosen it cannot be changed.

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