Droskan Androids

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Droskan Androids are soulless imitations of the otherwise emulated life possessed by the Steelworks Androids, children of The Self-Forged. They have been brought forth into this world with the singular purpose to serve Droskar and his interests, which primarily means fighting his battles against Torag's faithful.

Much like their progenitors they are capable of keen intellect, cunning and the various other skills one might be familiar with in your standard humanoid soldiers. They are often drilled on tactics briefly before deployment but, thanks to Droskar's Duergar technicians, are also possessed of pre-programmed knowledge where firearms handling and precision shooting are concerned.

To make up for this, Droskan Androids are even more stunted emotionally and in terms of personality than even Steelworks Combat Units are, for what good is a machine soldier that can feel? Even so, rare and deviant examples do exist of Droskan units that display a greater capacity for feeling, tragically so given they remain bound to the will of he and his duergar.

Droskan Android Tyro (2-5)

This humanoid figure looks to be clad in a dark brown military coat adorned with pouches for ammunition. As it turns to face you the lenses of it's masked helmet flare briefly with recognition before dying down again, its gun raised towards you.



LE Medium construct

Init +6; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +14

AC 25, touch 19, flat-footed 19 (+6 Dex, +3 Wisdom, +5 armour, +1 natural)


hp 78 (6d10+18)

Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8


Speed 30 ft.

Melee Particle Blade (Light) +12 (1d6+1)

Ranged Droskan Thaqil +14 Touch (1d10+5)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks barrage +13 Touch (2 attacks), +11 Touch (3 attacks), barrage +9 Touch (4 attacks), Steady Shooting (1d10+11), Shove (6)


Str 13, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8

Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 18

Feats Technologist, Skill Focus (Perception), Great Focus

Martial Tradition Gunner, PAM Wis, DC 13

Talents Steady Shooting, Suppressing Fire (Blitz), Brute Sphere, Focusing Shove, Athletics Sphere, Mobility

Skills Acrobatics +16, Perception +14, Sense Motive +12 Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Perception

Languages Undercommon, Dwarven, Drow Sign Language

SQ Indomitable Will, Intuitive Defence, Target Vitals

Special Abilities

Indomitable Will (Ex) Droskan androids sacrifice much of a regular androids base capacity for personality in exchange for a hardened psyche, granting them a bonus to Will saves equal to half their HD.

Intuitive Defence (Ex) Predictive analysis of their foes allows Droskan androids to add their Wisdom modifier as a bonus to AC.

Calibrated Shots (Ex) When using the Steady Shooting talent, these units grant themselves a bonus equal to their Dexterity Modifier to damage with firearms.


Environment The Darklands, manufactories, urban

Organization solitary, pair, squad (3–6 with Droskan Android Officer), platoon (8-12 with 2x Droskan Android Officer and 1x Droskan Android Commander)

Treasure Masterwork Chain Shirt, Droskan Thaqil (Targeting Application +2), Particle Blade (Light), 5x Magazine (20 rounds each), Battery (10 charges), Ruined Reaction Maximiser MKII, Ruined Circulatory Enhancer MKI


Tyros tend towards relatively safe but basic tactical moves, using cover and firing off bursts of Thaqil fire before often opting to move to a new position. While not inherently unintelligent, their lack of experience often has them defaulting to the use of the Steady Shooting talent to better target their enemy's vitals rather than cleverly switching tact to land more accurate shots on already weaker foes. As a squad they prefer to spread their fire out among enemies to suppress and push back their foes rather than focusing individuals down.

When engaged in melee they will almost certainly either withdraw or otherwise move away but can draw a particle knife if cornered or desperate.

In the presence of an officer or commander they more often employ superior flanking tactics as well as switching to more accurate but less damaging fire on command and heeding the call to viciously focus a single enemy down.

Droskan Android Regular (6-10/MR 2)

The group of humanoids seem organised and attentive as you come upon them. Judging by the condition of their military equipment these ones have seen some action... and lived to tell the tale, clear wear upon their otherwise better gear. They quickly move to cover upon noting your presence, ready to engage you.



LE Medium construct

Init +14; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +23

AC 34, touch 29, flat-footed 26 (+8 Dex, +5 Wisdom, +6 armour, +5 natural)


hp 148 (10d10+48)

Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +12


Speed 30 ft.

Melee Particle Blade (Light) +18 (1d6+6 / 2d6+12)

Ranged Droskan Thaqil +23 touch (1d10+14 / 2d10+28)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks barrage +22 Touch (2 attacks), barrage +20 Touch (3 attacks), barrage +18 Touch (4 attacks), Steady Shooting (1d10+22 / 2d10+44), Shove (8)


Str 13, Dex 28, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 8

Base Atk +10; CMB +23; CMD 24

Feats Technologist, Skill Focus (Perception), Great Focus, Vital StrikeMF, Improved Initiative

Martial Tradition Gunner, PAM Wis, DC 15

Talents Steady Shooting, Suppressing Fire (blitz), Double Tap (blitz), Walking Fire, Brute Sphere, Focusing Shove, Athletics Sphere, Mobility, Boxing Sphere, Hair Trigger

Skills Acrobatics +23, Perception +27, Sense Motive +18 Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Perception

Languages Undercommon, Dwarven, Drow Sign Language

SQ Indomitable Will, Deadly Precision, Target Vitals, SPARK Processor ChipMA

Special Abilities

Indomitable Will (Ex) Droskan androids sacrifice much of a regular androids base capacity for personality in exchange for a hardened psyche, granting them a base Will save equal to 2 + half their HD.

Deadly Precision (Ex) With experience comes proficiency and units such as these are proficient killing machines, adding their practitioner modifier to all damage dealt with manufactured weapons.

Calibrated Shots (Ex) When using the Steady Shooting talent, these units grant themselves a bonus equal to their Dexterity Modifier to damage with firearms.

SPARK Processor Chip Having proven themselves, these units are invested with a chip that, when the unit is charged, allows access to mythic powers. If for any reason the chip is damaged or otherwise removed from the slot in their neck they lose access to all mythic abilities and feats and take a -4 penalty to Dexterity.


Environment The Darklands, manufactories, urban

Organization solitary, pair, squad (3–6 with Droskan Android Officer), platoon (8-12 with 2x Droskan Android Officer and 1x Droskan Android Commander)

Treasure Masterwork Chain Shirt, Droskan Thaqil (Targeting Application +4), Particle Blade (Light), 5x Magazine (20 rounds each), Battery (10 charges), Ruined Reaction Maximiser MKIII, Ruined Circulatory Enhancer MKII, Ruined Dermal Plating MKIII


Regulars have the experience to utilise more advanced tactics, though they still prefer to make liberal use of cover. By default they prefer to use the Steady Shooting talent to better target their enemy's vitals but are very likely to switch to more accurate shots on wounded foes without prompting. As a squad they prefer to spread their fire out among targets to suppress and push back their foes rather than focusing individuals down.

When engaged in melee they are more likely to stand their ground and look for a safe opportunity to withdraw or otherwise move away, drawing a particle knife to defend themselves.

In the presence of an officer or commander they more often employ superior flanking tactics as well as switching to more accurate but less damaging fire on command and heeding the call to viciously focus a single enemy down. They never ready Hair Trigger Counter Punch actions unless specifically ordered to by a superior.

Droskan Android Sniper (6-10/MR 2)

A glint in the dark precedes the crack of a high powered rifle, a bullet shattering against a rock you'd been in front of not even a moment ago. Perched atop a rocky outcropping is a humanoid figure shrouded in a dark cloak with exposed metal visible on his hands, already pulling back the bolt and preparing for his next shot.



LE Medium construct

Init +10; Senses darkvision 120ft; Perception +20

AC 29, touch 29, flat-footed 21 (+8 Dex, +5 Wisdom, +6 armour)


hp 148 (10d10+48)

Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +12


Speed 45 ft.

Melee Particle Blade (Light) +18 (1d6+6 / 2d6+12)

Ranged Scope Sighted Improved Droskan Pitia +22 touch (3d8+14 / 6d8+28)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks Snipe Touch (+3d6), Steady Shooting (+8 / +16), Steady Shooting Snipe (+3d10), Pressure Mechanism (+3d6), Hair Trigger Counter Punch (+6)


Str 12, Dex 28, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 8

Base Atk +10; CMB +19; CMD 23

Feats Technologist, Skill Focus (Stealth), Skill Focus (Perception), Great Focus, Vital StrikeMF,

Martial Tradition Marksman, PAM Wis, DC 15

Talents Scout Sphere, Steady Shooting, Sniper Shot, Focusing Reload, Hindering Projectiles (snipe), Tangling Shot (snipe), Athletics Sphere (Climb), Mighty Conditioning, Shoot and Scoot (motion), Boxing Sphere (Retaliator), Hair Trigger

Skills Acrobatics +21, Climb +24, Perception +26, Sense Motive +18, Stealth +27   Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +2 Perception

Languages Undercommon, Dwarven, Drow Sign Language

SQ Indomitable Will, Deadly Precision, Target Vitals, SPARK Processor ChipMA, Shot in the DarkMA

Special Abilities

Indomitable Will (Ex) Droskan androids sacrifice much of a regular androids base capacity for personality in exchange for a hardened psyche, granting them a base Will save equal to 2 + half their HD.

Deadly Precision (Ex) With experience comes proficiency and units such as these are proficient killing machines, adding their practitioner modifier to all damage dealt with manufactured weapons.

Calibrated Shots (Ex) When using the Steady Shooting talent, these units grant themselves a bonus equal to their Dexterity Modifier to damage with firearms.

SPARK Processor Chip Having proven themselves, these units are invested with a chip that, when the unit is charged, allows access to mythic powers. If for any reason the chip is damaged or otherwise removed from the slot in their neck they lose access to all mythic abilities and feats and take a -4 penalty to Dexterity.

Shot in the Dark (Ex) When the unit successfully scouts a target it may target that creature with a Snipe special attack action even if the target is entirely obscured by darkness for 1 minute. Creatures that break line of sight via cover or other physical obstacles cannot be targeted. Remaining in cover for 1 full round negates this ability until it is reapplied.


Environment The Darklands, fortifications, urban

Organization solitary, pair

Treasure Masterwork Chain Shirt, Scope Sighted Improved Droskan Pitia (Targeting Application +4, Pressure Mechanism), Particle Blade (Light), 50x rounds, Battery (10 charges), Ruined Reaction Maximiser MKIII, Ruined Circulatory Enhancer MKII, Mechanical Tool (Climb, 6 Ranks)


Snipers typically engage from far away, pinpointing targets by their light in the dark or superior darkvision and Scouting them to avoid losing track of a target should it fade into the darkness. If they engage alongside ground troops those allies may use flares, torches or other lights to provide easier targeting for their sniper units.

Each shot is a full-round action Sniper Shot followed by a swift action to cycle the round out. There is always a gap round where the sniper reloads as a standard action, using Shoot and Scoot to move if necessary, and then resets the pressure mechanism as a move action.

Often the sniper will ready a Hair Trigger Counter Punch while laying in wait to catch enemy’s off guard as they move through dangerous areas, their easily fragmenting rounds applying the effects of Hindering Projectiles and Tangling Shot.

Droskan Android Harrier (6-10/MR 2)

As you pass through the tunnel entrance a series of shots ring out, peppering the ground and wall around your group as they seem to come from the darkness ahead. As your eyes adjust, your assailant, a gaunt looking man with ragged and patchy synth flesh, kneels atop a raised section of rock. The three optics of his masked helmet dim into the darkness as he dares you to move again.



LE Medium construct

Init +10; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +26

AC 29, touch 23, flat-footed 21 (+8 Dex, +5 Wisdom, +6 armour)


hp 148 (10d10+48)

Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +12


Speed 45 ft.

Melee Particle Blade (Light) +18 (1d6+1)

Ranged Improved Droskan Arm +22 touch (2d8+9)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft, Overwatch Patrol 15ft Radius

Special Attacks Steady Shooting (+8), Blooded Strike, (4 Bleed)


Str 12, Dex 28, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 8

Base Atk +10; CMB +19; CMD 23

Feats Technologist, Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Great Focus, Overwatch,

Martial Tradition Marksman, PAM Wis, DC 15

Talents Guardian Sphere (Patrol) (Without Delay), Swift Guardian, Punishing Rebuke (Zone), Steel Hedge (Zone), Steady Shooting, Athletics Sphere (Climb), Mighty Conditioning, Duelist Sphere (Bloody Slasher), Long Cuts, Debilitating Injuries (Bleed), Ooze Ichor, Targeted Assault, Covering Fire

Skills Acrobatics +21, Climb +24, Perception +26, Sense Motive +18, Stealth +27   Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +2 Perception

Languages Undercommon, Dwarven, Drow Sign Language

SQ Indomitable Will, Calibrated Shots, Fragmented Rounds, SPARK Processor ChipMA, Insightful OverwatchMA

Special Abilities

Indomitable Will (Ex) Droskan androids sacrifice much of a regular androids base capacity for personality in exchange for a hardened psyche, granting them a base Will save equal to 2 + half their HD.

Fragmenting Rounds (Ex) Crude manufacturing and devious innovation have provided these units with especially cruel and unpleasant munitions and  no amount of healing will properly seal the wound so long as parts of the round are still buried within the creature. Bleed persists in spite of any healing, magical or non-magical, provided to the target. The fragments can be removed in one of three ways. With a full-round action that inflicts 4d8+24 damage, a heal check DC 40 performed as a full-round action or casting an appropriate spell (Restoration, Restore Health or stronger effects within the same vein).

Calibrated Shots (Ex) When using the Steady Shooting talent, these units grant themselves a bonus equal to their Dexterity Modifier to damage with firearms.

SPARK Processor Chip Having proven themselves, these units are invested with a chip that, when the unit is charged, allows access to mythic powers. If for any reason the chip is damaged or otherwise removed from the slot in their neck they lose access to all mythic abilities and feats and take a -4 penalty to Dexterity.

Insightful Overwatch When using Patrol from Guardian Sphere with the Overwatch feat, this unit may consider any creature within the area of their Overwatch Patrol to be visible regardless of any other factor.


Environment The Darklands, fortifications, urban

Organization solitary, squad

Treasure Masterwork Chain Shirt, Improved Droskan Arm (Targeting Application +4, Improved Rifling), Particle Blade (Light), 50x rounds, Battery (10 charges), Ruined Reaction Maximiser MKIII, Ruined Circulatory Enhancer MKII, Mechanical Tool (Climb, 6 Ranks)


Harrier’s operate at medium range with decent elevation with their Arm Sniper Rifle. They do not tend to fire directly on enemies, instead scanning an area and setting up an Overwatch Patrol to lock down an area like a tunnel or path. They may also cover an area to aid allies or lock down an enemy.

When uncertain of enemy positions they make a new patrol each round to scope out patches of terrain, relying on their hearing to try and pick out where a foe might be lurking. Without any indicators to suggest otherwise, Harrier’s never Overwatch the same area twice in a row.

A Harrier’s quick reactions lead to accurate but imprecise shots that more often than not maim and injure rather than kill, debilitating enemies.

When engaged in melee they more often than not attempt to flee and reposition before aiming to cut off a route to themselves with another patrol.

Martial Traditions

Many of the units here will use similar, firearms themed martial traditions designed for their use. These will be displayed below until such a time as a unified page is made for Babel bestiary martial traditions.


Gunners are your typical, trained users of firearms. Often utilizing a healthy mix of burst fire and tactical movement, this is the baseline from which many a soldier has begun and worked from, whether their preferred weapon is an SMG or a Heavy Machine Gun.

Bonus Talents:

  • Equipment: Firearm Training
  • Barrage Sphere
  • Variable: Gunners gain either Expert Reloading or Mechanical Savant from the Equipment sphere.
  • Variable: Gunners gain either Blitz Focus or Augmented Grip from the Barrage sphere.


Marksmen are what you might expect, the precision shooters and snipers. Those usually perched up high, either out of sight or atop a fortification. Rather obviously, those working from this tradition favor long range rifles.

Bonus Talents:

  • Equipment: Firearm Training
  • Sniper Sphere
  • Variable: Marksmen gain either Steady Shooting or Mechanical Savant from the Equipment sphere.
  • Variable: Marksmen gain either Perfect Shot or Lethal Precision from the Sniper sphere.