Insulis Novem Infernis

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Add [[]] back to the category tags once this page is actually written. As the person who was writing it is still here, I won't consider it abandoned.

The Nine Islands

The nine hell islands are consisted of nine large islands with a bunch of smaller ones surrounding it with each island being made to mimic a layer in hell and the largest of the islands is the capable and has the largest cathedral dedicated to the archfiend himself. Due to the location of the islands being situation out in the middle of the ocean it is isolated from the rest of the world and communication to the outside world only recently have majority of the regulations removed

The Council and The Endless Political War


Due to the different parties and factions that have made up the islands for over generations, they have established a council where individuals constantly compete and try to backstab each other to raise up in the hierarchy. While trying to promote and maintain their power structure. The main council is made of 666 seats, which is delivery done on purpose for these 666 seats are the major players for the islands and those who have a habit of interfering with politics outside of their island nation. There are two other councils made of individuals from those who fallen out of favor with the main council or individuals with view from the outside world

The call of the outside world

There are some individuals who have decided to leave the islands due to having personal goals, seeking to service the elsewhere,old oaths sworn long ago in ancient times to battle against threats and to black sheep leaving to make their own place out in the world.

